7 Signs that YOU Are a Starseed!
Are you a Starseed? A Starseed is a person who is here to help change the current stagnant systems on our planet and to bring more love and light into our world. Starseeds were originally souls from other planets and stars and chose to come to Earth in order to help humanity and Mother Earth survive and thrive. Here are seven signs that you are a starseed: Earth does not feel like home. Starseeds often feel different, weird, or eccentric, and judge yourselves for those deficiencies. You feel like you don’t belong. You may try to fit in, but it often just leads to unhappiness and...
Read MoreSelf-Care: Ascension Guide Part 3
If you’ve been following my blog recently, my last two posts dealt with ascension — the basics and its symptoms. If you haven’t read them, then check them out here and here. Now that I’ve given you the basics, we’re going to be talking about self-care for people going through the ascension process. Here are my top tips for self-care: Help yourself feel safe — Go to the doctor if you’re questioning your symptoms. Find a doctor that understands energy like a chiropractor or acupuncturist. Do research for knowledge. Get to know and understand your...
Read MoreAscension Symptoms: Ascension Guide Part 2
If you read the first part of my ascension guide, then you’re likely here to learn more about what it means to be ascending, and how you can figure out if it’s something you’re going through. Identifying and understanding the symptoms of ascension is incredibly helpful! See if you identify with any of the ones listed below: Symptoms: You have an inherent “knowing” that things are different. You lose the ability to know things for certain. Sometimes this means you can feel like you’re going crazy! Certain things in your life may shift suddenly...
Read MoreAscension 101: Ascension Guide Part 1
Welcome to Ascension 101! If you’re here you may be wondering: What is ascension? Ascension involves the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion of awareness, which creates a shift in consciousness. It describes the shift in a life system moving from one energetic state to a different and higher energetic state. Essentially, it as an evolution towards our highest selves. If it’s easier, you can think of it as a shift from 3D to 5D or from AM to FM on a radio. One of the biggest things you begin to understand during ascension is that everything is energy. All the life...
Read MoreCreate Beliefs That Manifest Your Desires
The way to change the results in your life (manifest what you desire) is to change your current perception of yourself and your world right now ( your paradigm). One reason professionals hire mentors and coaches is to help them create clarity, to reveal what is hidden in their subconscious mind holding them back, so they will achieve new results, grow and succeed quicker. By developing a daily awareness of your limiting beliefs and practice NEW Choices you can reach your new results. Move from amateur life status to an empowered highly sensitive professional living an awesome life....
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