
The Law of Attraction: A User-Friendly Guide

Posted by on Apr 5, 2020 | Comments Off on The Law of Attraction: A User-Friendly Guide

The Law of Attraction: A User-Friendly Guide

Is the Law of Attraction working for you? Whether you want to improve your health, lose weight, have more money, find the love of your life, start a new business, get a promotion, or simply be happy, you have to change your subconscious mind’s programming. The only way to do that is by learning how to manage your conscious mind. When you don’t work with your mind (either conscious and subconscious) the Law of Attraction won’t work for you. Your inner power lies in making new choices and not living unconsciously based on old experience and programming. Here is why: If you are not living...

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7 Signs that YOU Are a Starseed!

Posted by on Feb 19, 2020 | Comments Off on 7 Signs that YOU Are a Starseed!

7 Signs that YOU Are a Starseed!

Are you a Starseed? A Starseed is a person who is here to help change the current stagnant systems on our planet and to bring more love and light into our world. Starseeds were originally souls from other planets and stars and chose to come to Earth in order to help humanity and Mother Earth survive and thrive. Here are seven signs that you are a starseed: Earth does not feel like home. Starseeds often feel different, weird, or eccentric, and judge yourselves for those deficiencies. You feel like you don’t belong. You may try to fit in, but it often just leads to unhappiness and...

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Reign In Your Wildly Creative Mind~Highly Sensitives

Posted by on Mar 25, 2019 | 2 comments

Reign In Your Wildly Creative Mind~Highly Sensitives

Do you have a wildly creative mind? (0-60 sec. elaborate story creator) Are you easily influenced by images, stories, and other people? Do you deeply process and reflect on the meanings and relations of things and situations? Do you take emotions, ideas, and thoughts to an extreme?     A runaway negative creative mind limits your actions and decision making and has you feeling out of control, uncomfortable, stressed and overwhelmed. Do you avoid making mistakes? Are you cautious and take time making decisions?   Highly Sensitive’s creative minds will deeply process every...

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Is Your Phone Addiction Crippling Your Creativity?

Posted by on Jun 3, 2018 | Comments Off on Is Your Phone Addiction Crippling Your Creativity?

Is Your Phone Addiction Crippling Your Creativity?

I heard Manoush Zomorodi on NPR and then watched her TED Talk and thought, I have to share this information with you all about how your technology addiction is crippling your creativity and well-being. Some Facts: Before mobile phones and pads our average attention span was every 3 minutes our mind would become distracted. TODAY it is every 45 seconds! On average we check our emails 74 times a day! Some more than 200. Phone check 60 times a day on average. On phone 2 hours a day. You will spend 2 years of your life on FaceBook. What?! And thats average…Instagram, Twitter… We...

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Discover Your Erotic Intelligence to Attract

Posted by on Jun 14, 2017 | Comments Off on Discover Your Erotic Intelligence to Attract

Discover Your Erotic Intelligence to Attract

Erotic intelligence is getting in touch with your aliveness, vitality, creativity, freedom and playfulness. Are you bored in your relationship or life? Can you take yourself to places where you are not use to going? Are you blocked against feeling pleasure, freedom, seen, and worthy of receiving?   As a life coach and lover of learning, I feel it is very important for us all to be exposed to a variety of new perspectives that challenges us.  Learning new ways to see or experience ourselves and the world, challenges us to look at our own beliefs and question whether they are really true...

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