Reign In Your Wildly Creative Mind~Highly Sensitives
Do you have a wildly creative mind? (0-60 sec. elaborate story creator) Are you easily influenced by images, stories, and other people? Do you deeply process and reflect on the meanings and relations of things and situations? Do you take emotions, ideas, and thoughts to an extreme? A runaway negative creative mind limits your actions and decision making and has you feeling out of control, uncomfortable, stressed and overwhelmed. Do you avoid making mistakes? Are you cautious and take time making decisions? Highly Sensitive’s creative minds will deeply process every...
Read MoreDaily Energy Balancing Routine for Highly Sensitive People
I practice a Daily Energy Balancing Routine every day that helps me maintain my ability to be influential, empowered, creative, healthy and free myself from other people’s energy. I’ve created an energy balancing video routine for you to follow along with in the video below to experience it for yourself. If you live in an energetic world (that is really crazy right now) and we are energy Beings, doesn’t it make sense to be working your energy every day to create balance, harmony, and well-being in your life? No one else can do your energy work for you! You’ll...
Read MoreIs Being an Empath Stifling Your Well-Being?
As an empath, do you feel you don’t have control of your emotions around other people? Do you feel like you’re a leaf in a hurricane emotionally throughout the day? Do you believe it’s good for you to feel everyone’s suffering and pain? As a sensitive or empath, we have high emotional responses to the energy around us as we tune into our environments all day. As a child empath, we are not taught how to manage all the energy we tune into, so we end up taking on other people’s emotions as our own. This disempowers us as it drains our life energy and it takes us out of...
Read MoreEmpath, Are You Feeling a Little Crazy?
As an empath I became overwhelmed by all tragedies that were happening in the world and around me and I lost focus on what I wanted to create instead I ending up focusing on my fears. I lost my center and grounding. I was watching the news, reading descriptions of casualties that I should have never read. I am too empathic and easily influenced with stories and visuals that make me feel as if I am there experiencing the event. As a result I strayed from my boundaries and I started to experience physical and emotional symptoms; a spike in my blood pressure, low on and off depression, grief,...
Read MoreHow Empaths Find Balance in Chaos
Empaths Find Balance in Chaos when they learn to set healthy boundaries and practice vigilant self-care. It’s not easy for them to do this when they have been trained to put others before themselves, stuff their feelings, and they don’t know what it means to have healthy boundaries when they experience so much pain and disruption around them. In this vlog below you’ll learn how you can be grounded, centered, loving, serving and still maintain your balance in the chaos of a natural disaster. Am I Highly Sensitive? <— click on the link and find out....
Read MoreHow to Recover Emotionally from a Natural Disaster.
In a short amount of time, our world has been exposed to traumatic events of devastating fires, enormous mudslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, monsoons… It can feel like the world as we know it is ending moving you to feeling unsafe, ungrounded, anxious, and stressed. Traumatic events create uncertainty, grief, guilt, fear, as well as, dealing with the heartbreak of loss that occurs. So, to help you cope and when ready recover from a natural disaster, I’m sharing a combination of two articles from the American Psychological Association, one titled, Recovering...
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