Do You KNOW How Powerful YOU Are?
The idea that you are alone living your life is so far from the truth and yet this limiting belief runs wild in many people’s minds afflicting them with painful feelings of boredom, abandonment, loneliness, powerlessness and shame. You are a sensitive, intuitive, genius and highly aware of energies and information around you… take time to tune into them and trust the information you receive. This is your own awakening. When you are not aware of your energy and the energy around you, you have gone unconscious. I KNOW even though you may frequently go unconscious and forget who you...
Read MoreMillennials & Money Cafe Starting
When I started using Margaret Lynch’s, Tapping Into Wealth Money Map on myself and my millennial clients I was shocked to see and witness how much our childhood programming influenced our self-esteem and our current financial situation. And I was excited that I had tools to change that negative programming and transform the depressing or harmful results they caused. Our negative thoughts and unworthy feelings about ourselves are tied up with money? What? How could this be? It blew me away to see how much unnecessary suffering was impacting us through our families negative beliefs and...
Read MorePerfectionism Kills Success
What is important to you? I really want to know, so if you feel like sharing I would love to hear from you. Rest and fun are important to me and my partner Jeff, so last week we went to Hawaii. We spent 3 days in Waikiki while Jeff played in a lacrosse tournament and then we headed to Maui for 4 days. While we were on Maui we did a lot of snorkeling, swimming and exploring the island. One day I had the miracle of swimming with a giant turtle. (picture of one below–that is not me diving). I felt like a mermaid in a scared moment. I’m so excited to announce we have a new addition...
Read MoreThis Will Empower You To Create The Life You Love
I love my life! I mean it, I really love all of my life! I don’t mean just sometimes when things are going well and I’m happy, it is all of my life, the joys, as well as the challenges. It wasn’t always this way. My life use to be attending to a series of problems or heading them off interspersed with pleasure and joy. It didn’t matter if it was my problem, a family members or a friends. I was a good problem solver without boundaries and a perfectionist who was always in the future thinking how to avoid possible mistakes, challenges, and failures. This thinking, I...
Read MoreHow To Create a Wealthy Mindset – 21 Tips For More Money Prosperity
These are very good wealthy mindset tips. Start applying them and you will KNOW what it is to be wealthy.
Read MoreLearn How To Feel Safe Being You?
Your feelings of safety affect your ability to thrive and be happy. Learn how your childhood programming and loyalty to your family has affected how you show up in the world. Do you feel safe to be you? Do you get your needs meet being you or do you believe you have to sacrifice yourself? Do you feel you have to be perfect in order to receive any rewards? To learn more LISTEN TO: Ready To Feel Safe? Replay of The Embodying Prosperity Radio Show 5/27/14 There are several tools to interrupt your unconscious thoughts & feelings of being unsafe: bring yourself into the present...
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