Highly Sensitives Need To Shine To Influence Change
I know you are leaders, visionaries, game changers, healers, teachers, coaches, creatives, and entrepreneurs… who have BIG IDEAS that you want to share or create in the world. But as a result of being a highly sensitive and other childhood conditioning, you have formed beliefs and fears that reinforce low self-esteem and unhealthy boundaries making you feel very vulnerable and small. To overcome your fears and limiting beliefs you have to uncover them and change your focus and perception of yourself and your world. I and other successful Highly Sensitive influencers are proof...
Read MoreHealthy Boundaries for Highly Sensitives & Empaths
If you’ve been stuffing your feelings and needs sense childhood, you have a fear of being left and alone since childhood, you’re the emotional support of your family, you feel responsible for everything and everyone around, you’re in a codependent relationship, you attract narcissistic partners or had them as parents, you were expected to parent your parent or siblings as a child…this video + blog is for you. The purpose of this blog is to shine the light on an area of your life that may be operating unconsciously through a habit of taking care of others before...
Read MoreLearn Why You’re NOT Manifesting What You Desire
There is confusion about what it takes to manifest those things that you really want but can’t seem to produce. In this vlog, I share with you key foundational knowledge that supports you in raising your success level of manifesting. I have learned the art and science of manifesting for over 15 years, practicing and teaching it. I know it works for everyone! You see you are manifesting all the time! Yes, you are calling into your life whatever you subconsciously believe you can have, do or be. So it’s very important for you to create with BELIEFS that are aligned with your...
Read MoreHow Empaths Find Balance in Chaos
Empaths Find Balance in Chaos when they learn to set healthy boundaries and practice vigilant self-care. It’s not easy for them to do this when they have been trained to put others before themselves, stuff their feelings, and they don’t know what it means to have healthy boundaries when they experience so much pain and disruption around them. In this vlog below you’ll learn how you can be grounded, centered, loving, serving and still maintain your balance in the chaos of a natural disaster. Am I Highly Sensitive? <— click on the link and find out....
Read More3 Agreements to Produce Empowered Women Leaders
Learn how women can empower each other and be great role models for the next generations to come, establishing more leadership and equality. I wrote this blog 2 years ago and I wanted to repost because it is still relevant today. I believe it is a very powerful time for women in the world and I would like all women to become more conscious about how they treat themselves and each other. Our feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions about being a women today influences the young people around us. If we want a different world where there is more equality and opportunities for women to lead and...
Read More#1 Dating Mistake, Labeling Him the “ONE”
The #1 dating mistake for women who want to be in committed long-term loving relationships is assuming that a strong desire for a date means they’re the “ONE”. Without more discernment and giving the relationship more time, many women are left feeling hurt, abandoned and wondering what is wrong with them. Highly sensitive, millennial, and creative women I’ve coached or just talked to about relationships have shared many stories with me about how they were hurt, let down, and disappointed with someone they were dating because they put all their emotions into one guy...
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