How Empaths Find Balance in Chaos
Empaths Find Balance in Chaos when they learn to set healthy boundaries and practice vigilant self-care. It’s not easy for them to do this when they have been trained to put others before themselves, stuff their feelings, and they don’t know what it means to have healthy boundaries when they experience so much pain and disruption around them. In this vlog below you’ll learn how you can be grounded, centered, loving, serving and still maintain your balance in the chaos of a natural disaster. Am I Highly Sensitive? <— click on the link and find out....
Read More3 Agreements to Produce Empowered Women Leaders
Learn how women can empower each other and be great role models for the next generations to come, establishing more leadership and equality. I wrote this blog 2 years ago and I wanted to repost because it is still relevant today. I believe it is a very powerful time for women in the world and I would like all women to become more conscious about how they treat themselves and each other. Our feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions about being a women today influences the young people around us. If we want a different world where there is more equality and opportunities for women to lead and...
Read More6 Feminine Badass Entrepreneurial Qualities
You most likely get really excited thinking about finding love, spending more time with friends, losing weight, writing your book, getting your product to millions, making time for yourself, or making a difference in the world, but then something stops you from going any further than the thought of it. I heard that most people who set a goal try once and give up or don’t even try at all. That is so sad and heartbreaking because I know so many of you have huge hearts and dreams that you want to accomplish and there is no reason you can’t achieve your desires. If you’ve had...
Read More6 Steps to Become Authentically You
As sensitives, empaths and nurtures, we can lose track of who we are and what we want because we have spent most of our time helping others get what they want. Today I want to help you take steps to focus on yourself in order to become authentically you. “I’ve lost my way, I don’t know how I got here.” “I don’t know what I want, I don’t have time for me.” “I feel stuck and don’t know what to do.” “I don’t feel happy, inspired, excited or fulfilled in my life, I feel drained.” One of the most popular...
Read MoreAre You a High Sensation Seeking, Highly Sensitive?
I just discovered the High Sensation Seeker self-test by Dr. Elaine Aron’s, author of the Highly Sensitive Person and The Highly Sensitive Child. Wow! Taking the test, scoring high and learning what it meant to be a highly sensitive person, as well as, a high sensation seeking person explained the adventurous part of me and it’s relation to the HS me. I now have a fuller understanding of myself and can be more compassionate towards myself when I’m putting going outside my comfort zone while seeking novelty and adventure. I love and get excited about new adventure and...
Read MoreYou Need Connection, Love, Peace, and Support to Thrive
We all need connection, love, peace, and support to thrive! One of the important points that came through in my channeling was that if we slow down in all areas of our lives and connected more with each other we would all feel more love, peace, and support. When we feel supported, connected, loving and at peace, we can create what we desire and make life better for ourselves and others. slow down the pace of your life, put down the phone and have experiences and conversations, smell the roses, become more aware of yourself and your surroundings create community –...
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