6 Steps to Become Authentically You
As sensitives, empaths and nurtures, we can lose track of who we are and what we want because we have spent most of our time helping others get what they want. Today I want to help you take steps to focus on yourself in order to become authentically you. “I’ve lost my way, I don’t know how I got here.” “I don’t know what I want, I don’t have time for me.” “I feel stuck and don’t know what to do.” “I don’t feel happy, inspired, excited or fulfilled in my life, I feel drained.” One of the most popular...
Read MoreAre You a High Sensation Seeking, Highly Sensitive?
I just discovered the High Sensation Seeker self-test by Dr. Elaine Aron’s, author of the Highly Sensitive Person and The Highly Sensitive Child. Wow! Taking the test, scoring high and learning what it meant to be a highly sensitive person, as well as, a high sensation seeking person explained the adventurous part of me and it’s relation to the HS me. I now have a fuller understanding of myself and can be more compassionate towards myself when I’m putting going outside my comfort zone while seeking novelty and adventure. I love and get excited about new adventure and...
Read More3 Reasons Highly Sensitive People Make Better Leaders
Highly Sensitive people have a natural ability to be leaders, but most of us didn’t grow up feeling like anyone would ever follow us! Our sensitive abilities can be both a blessing and curse depending on how you manage your life. Read below and learn what abilities you have that make you a better leader than those who aren’t sensitive from my guest blogger and leader John Hughes. John is in the movie, Sensitive and I found his article posted on Linkedin called, 3 Reasons Highly Sensitive People Make Better Leaders. If you’re not sure you are a highly sensitive go here to...
Read MoreYou Need Connection, Love, Peace, and Support to Thrive
We all need connection, love, peace, and support to thrive! One of the important points that came through in my channeling was that if we slow down in all areas of our lives and connected more with each other we would all feel more love, peace, and support. When we feel supported, connected, loving and at peace, we can create what we desire and make life better for ourselves and others. slow down the pace of your life, put down the phone and have experiences and conversations, smell the roses, become more aware of yourself and your surroundings create community –...
Read MoreFind Steady Ground and Your Center in this Shaky World
As a Highly Sensitive and empath, it is important for you to find STEADY GROUND and YOUR CENTER as much as you can during these intense and transformative times. Taking on or feeling other people’s fears and anxiety will only drain you and distract you from managing your life and business. Finding your own ground and center will help others find theirs. As you ground and center yourself regularly, you will start to experience its benefits of calm, balance and flow in the mists of chaos. From this centered and grounded personality change becomes a gift rather than a challenge to suffer...
Read MoreHighly Sensitive Grounding Tools To Stop Your Anxiety and Fear
Today I’m sharing highly sensitive grounding tools to stop anxiety and fear you may be experiencing with all the wild things happening in the world and Universe right now. Grounding is an essential and profound tool to help you cope and manage your life as a highly sensitive person. This practice will calm your stressed brain and body, leaving you feeling centered, connected and peaceful. Growing up sensitive can make it uncomfortable to feel everything around us, so we learn at a young age to go up in our heads and out of our bodies to not feel so much. Although it feels more...
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