Say “No” More Often
Don’t you just love the energy of this photo! I hope you all had a warm and heartfelt holiday season.This weeks article, Say No More Often, is written by one of my mentors Lee Milteer. Why I was attracted to Lee as a mentor was because she attributes her great success as an international personality and business women to her use of practical business skills and tools combined with spiritual tools and practice. I thought you’d like to meet her. She is a highly sensitive and light worker!Lee is an excellent example of what is possible for highly sensitive and creative...
Read MoreHidden Money Vows Keeping You Stuck
When you think about money, does it create feelings of anxiety, fear, overwhelm, anger, frustration, sadness and your not “good enough”? Do you feel you can’t make more money or have more luxuries than your parents or family? Do you reject prosperity in your life for relationships, love or spirituality? Do you believe you can only have x amount of money, success and pleasure? Do you self-sabotage your heath, relationships or sacrifice some other area of your life in order to balance the emotions of having abundance in your life. Do you feel like you can’t have it...
Read MoreThe Art Of Receiving ~ Stops Suffering
The Art Of Receiving Take a moment and TAKE a breathe in and exhale. Notice how it feels to take a breath in. Do this a couple of times.Now let yourself RECEIVE your breathe and let it out. Receive it a couple of times. Can you feel the difference between receiving and taking? Was receiving more relaxed, no agenda, expansive and natural? Did you notice that taking in felt like a forced action, a doing agenda that had a determined result you were looking for? Were you thinking, is this what it should feel like or was that good enough? It is the same with receiving things, events, or people...
Read MoreCreate A Life You Love Part 4, Your Beliefs Are Keeping You Stuck
Part 4 covers transforming your energy blocks and beliefs that are keeping you from having what you desire. The root of our suffering is the belief that we are not safe, not supported, good enough, worthy enough, smart enough, successful enough, and on and on. In other words, our perception of our selves and our world rule the choices we make in our life. That is unless we are making conscious choices, using our will power to over ride them. The minute we let our conscious guard down the subconscious mind takes over making our habitual decisions making for us. It isn’t until we have...
Read MoreOur Judgments Get In The Way Of Us Manifesting
Our judgments get in the way of us manifesting what we want. We place an order to the Universe asking for money, a relationship, a job… while in a high frequency state of mind. (love, excitement, happy, hopeful, gratitude…) And then we start doubting whether it will work, or if we’re good enough to have it because it’s not happening right away. We judge ourselves and the way it is happening or not happening at the rte we expected. This judgement lowers our vibrational frequency and puts us in a place where we can’t receive what we requested because you...
Read MoreI AM Strong, Supported, Connected, Present
Staying grounded supports your earthly issues of security, the physical body, money worries and your environment. Moving your body, using a grounding cord, being in nature, gardening, swimming, dancing… assists you in activating your base chakra or root center. Absorbing the earthly energies around you and the color of red will support your inner world. I AM Strong, Supported, Connected, Present
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