Get The Bug Out Of Your Childhood Programming
I thought I was unworthy, not good enough, smart enough, weak, powerless, ugly, unhappy, too little or too much, a victim, and less than because I was born female…until someone cracked open my limited thinking and turned on the lights to show me a whole world of personal power and possibilities that were available to me that I didn’t even know existed. I would like to be that person for you. So understand if you are reading this and drawn to the work I do, it is not by accident. You KNOW deep inside there is more to you and your life than is showing up presently and you are...
Read MoreHeal Your Inner Child Meditation
Healing your inner child will transform your life. This healing gets to the root of your biggest challenges in life and increases the love you have for yourself and others. All of us have a wounded child that is wanting unconditional love, to feel safe and free to express themselves. The healing of your inner child involves unconscious vows and beliefs that we have adopted as children that are still playing out in your life as an adult. This work is powerfully loving and freeing. You release shame, guilt, critical judgements and negative thinking. I wish this for all of you, because as we...
Read MoreCalm Your Overwhelm (Part 2)
I didn’t like myself for the longest time and I suffered because of it. So you can imagine how angry and excited I was to find out that there was information available (mainly to businessmen) that could stop my needless suffering caused by my low self-esteem, but also empowered me to be more authentic and love myself. That is when I started to learn about the brain and our unconscious and conscious minds. Positive thinking, changing your perception, think like a winner all the stuff that was mentioned in the movie The Secret. Once I learned that my thinking was my own and I could...
Read MoreCalm Your Overwhelm
Are you feeling all the fear, anxiety and panic happening around you and in the world at this time? This causes overwhelm for highly sensitives. I surely am! And I am thankful I know how to take care of myself. To learn more about this, tune in to Self Care for Overwhelmed Highly Sensitives. There will be a continuation next Tuesday about this topic. Highly sensitives are always picking up on others people’s energies, feeling world tragedies, and electronic and cosmic energy activities that are negatively affecting you mentally and physically. This is natural, yet as a highly...
Read MoreYou Are More Than You Think
Click on the link below to listen to the podcast to Learn how to change your life from the inside out. Creating an abundant, healthy, loving, empowered mindset that you embody to manifest the dream life you were meant to live. This was my first show on a radio program I had before Millennials & Money Cafe called Embodying Prosperity, that is relevant information for you to know. What is Prosperity? My definition: creating an abundant, healthy, loving, empowered life your spirit desires to live. Living your life purpose. What do I mean by Embody? My definition: To bring your passions,...
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