The Art of Love
Summer is here in full bloom! When I think about summer outdoor adventures, travel and longer days to play with friends come into my mind. What comes into your mind when you think about the summer? This summer we will be camping on a road trip to and from Denver, Co. for The World Lacrosse Games, that my partner Jeff is playing in. The natural beauty on our way through Utah, Colorado, and Arizona in beyond words. If you’ve never been to this area of the world, I highly recommend exploring the desert, canyons, mountains, national parks and forests… Just Awesome! I cried when I...
Read MoreLearn How To Be Happy
People are starving for Happiness! Ask anyone what they desire and it is usually to be happy or the thing they think that if they acquire it will make them happy. My natural tendency is to be happy yet I haven’t always chosen it. Yes, I said “chosen it!” We choose to be happy and it is determined by our perception of the world and our sense of meaning in it. The old idea that success creates happiness has been proven incorrect by scientific studies. It has been impressed upon us that if are successful and make others happy, make lots of money, get the girl/guy, the...
Read MoreCalm Your Overwhelm (Part 2)
I didn’t like myself for the longest time and I suffered because of it. So you can imagine how angry and excited I was to find out that there was information available (mainly to businessmen) that could stop my needless suffering caused by my low self-esteem, but also empowered me to be more authentic and love myself. That is when I started to learn about the brain and our unconscious and conscious minds. Positive thinking, changing your perception, think like a winner all the stuff that was mentioned in the movie The Secret. Once I learned that my thinking was my own and I could...
Read MoreCalm Your Overwhelm
Are you feeling all the fear, anxiety and panic happening around you and in the world at this time? This causes overwhelm for highly sensitives. I surely am! And I am thankful I know how to take care of myself. To learn more about this, tune in to Self Care for Overwhelmed Highly Sensitives. There will be a continuation next Tuesday about this topic. Highly sensitives are always picking up on others people’s energies, feeling world tragedies, and electronic and cosmic energy activities that are negatively affecting you mentally and physically. This is natural, yet as a highly...
Read MoreLearn How To Feel Safe Being You?
Your feelings of safety affect your ability to thrive and be happy. Learn how your childhood programming and loyalty to your family has affected how you show up in the world. Do you feel safe to be you? Do you get your needs meet being you or do you believe you have to sacrifice yourself? Do you feel you have to be perfect in order to receive any rewards? To learn more LISTEN TO: Ready To Feel Safe? Replay of The Embodying Prosperity Radio Show 5/27/14 There are several tools to interrupt your unconscious thoughts & feelings of being unsafe: bring yourself into the present...
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