25 Ways to Create Your Turned ON Life
Grab your journal and pen and write about your turned-on, adventurous life. Think of the activities that would make you happy and expand your horizons. It could be as simple as getting out of your daily routine and taking a different route to work, or turning on the radio and dancing to the music instead of sitting and watching TV, or wearing a bright color that makes you feel happy instead of black. Or what about something a little bit more exciting and challenging? Something that really gets your blood pumping and creates new brain cells and neurological pathways through learning and...
Read MoreAre You actually ENJOYING Your Life?
You are working away on your life movie scripts, either for your romantic comedy, or your Turned-On, adventurous life. I’m sure you struggle at one thing or another as you create your life. We all do. As you draft those important scripts, and then live them, are you enjoying what you are creating? Are you actually experiencing the joy of living that exciting life? Are you feeling the love of or from the people you invited into your life? And are you expressing those feelings? All the hard work needs to have pay-off’s along the way! Ideally, the pay-offs are the joy and excitement about...
Read MoreThis Is What’s Keeping You Stuck
Eleven years ago, John Assaraf, of the book and movie The Secret, was my mentor for two years. I did everything he recommended to grow my business and create more money in my life. I listened to all the calls, was involved in my mastermind group, went to all the live events, applied meditation, affirmations, dream boards, all the mind and quantum science that he taught and still I wasn’t having the results I thought I should be having like some others in the group. Just like you, I’m smart, creative, intuitive, intelligent, self-motivated, entrepreneurial-minded and results-orientated and I...
Read MoreHow Do You Stop the Mind’s Chatter?
Sadhguru has such a talent for getting to the core of things that get us all tripped up. I enjoy his sense of humor and stories to illustrate his points. Listen to him share how to be with our greatest tool, our mind. Marilyn Published on Sep 25, 2012 Addressing a group of students and faculty at the IIT campus in Chennai, India, Sadhguru answers a question on how to maintain joy and happiness regardless of the external circumstances.
Read MoreYour Turned-On Life Adventure Movie – 5 Steps to Living a Turned-On Life
Let’s entertain the thought of creating Your Turned-On Life Adventure movie. Most of us think of our lives as something that’s happening to us. Something that we react to, either positively or negatively, or something that feels either lucky or unlucky. But in reality, we are the ones creating our daily adventures, challenges, emotions, successes and wealth. Living Your Turned-On Life is different than living by the seat of your pants and reacting to what feels like random circumstances. Living a turned-on life takes planning, awareness and the willingness to go where you haven’t been...
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