Actions Steps To Attract Money Into Your Life
Marilyn’s Money Strategy #1 Unless you take the right actions in the right order towards what you desire every day, multiple times a day, you won’t create more money and other opportunities. Create a new perspective I’d like you to think of “thoughts and feelings” as action steps. And I want you to think of your actions as “conscious choices”. So, when you think a thought believe that it’s an action. When you feel a feeling believe that it’s an action. When you make a choice recognize that it’s an action. YOUR LIFE IS A RESULT OF YOUR THOUGHTS, FEELINGS AND ACTIONS. ALL OF WHICH YOU HAVE...
Read More#1 Skill to Change Your Life
As I was hiking in the back-country of Santa Barbara among the beautiful wild flowers and majestic mountains, my heart became so full of gratitude that it brought me to tears. This feeling of fulfillment and connection to all lead me to wonder what I could offer in my blog that would be the biggest benefit to you. I asked myself, “What is one skill that made the most difference in creating my life?” The #1 skill that changed my life is learning to manage and master my thoughts and feelings. If you don’t master managing your thoughts and feelings you won’t change anything permanently. It...
Read MoreFollow up – Just Do It – Learn how from Kerry Heaps
Kerry Heaps is the publisher of Strictly Marketing Magazine and the host of Strictly Marketing Talk Radio. Both media outlets are dedicated to providing excellent marketing advice from professionals nationwide. The magazine has an online community for Women in Marketing (Men too) that offers mentorship, marketing ideas and a media directory for those that are interested in more media coverage. Kerry’s passion is to help other business owners with their marketing efforts to continue their dream of Entrepreneurship. In this episode Kerry will share her story and give you pertinent advise...
Read More5 New Habits that will keep you Energized and Focused on Succeeding
Do you wake up dragging or anxious? Do you feel like you are all over the place emotionally throughout the day? Do you easily get distracted and feel confused and end up not getting much done during the day? Is your day filled with worry and fears? Do you jump from idea to idea without a plan and don’t complete projects? If you said YES to any of these you will want to read further. Highly sensitive and Creative people are easily affected by their environment. Learning to manage your energy (as well as keeping other’s energy out – Learn how HERE) is key to building the successful life and...
Read MoreExercise to Discover Your Disempowering Vows
I am currently in the 4th week of my Healthy & Wealthy Training. The group is working on everything surrounding the 2nd chakra, which focuses on your feelings, senses and emotions. According to intuitive healer Cyndi Dale, “a chakra is nothing more or less than a wheel of light revolving in and through our energy system” and theosophical teacher C.W. Leadbeater defines them as “force centers…points of connection at which energy flows from one body to another.” The 2nd chakra is extremely important and powerful, because it is where your self-image forms, where you let the world in and...
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