The 2nd chakra is extremely important and powerful, because it is where your self-image forms, where you let the world in and where your power to fulfill all your desires is centered. It is the center of feelings enjoyment and sensuality. The 2nd chakra is the chakra many people struggle with, where you judge yourself, where you deny yourself anything beyond the basic mental, physical and spiritual needs.
The challenge of self-image is influenced by our conditioned society, because often, feelings are not valued. Emotional reactions may be frowned upon because we are supposed to be in control of our emotions. In the desire to be liked and accepted and fulfill society’s need to not ‘lose control’ we disconnect from our bodies and feelings. No wonder we deny ourselves our pleasures, because we disconnect access to our pleasure center. The 2nd chakra is also the hub of creativity and passion. It is located in your pelvis and lumbar. If your 2nd chakra is open and connected you are passionate and present in your body, you are sensual, creative and connected to your feelings.
But if you deny any of the 2nd Chakra power center qualities and made a vow (a deeply hidden belief usually made in your childhood that influences your choices, actions and results today) then you lack passion, creativity, self-esteem and don’t live a turned-on life!
I shared this exercise with my Healthy & Wealthy Training group yesterday and know you’d find this exercise revealing and helpful. If you have any questions about the exercise or need additional guidance, as always, contact me per e-mail or phone and I’m happy to help.
Read the 1st column and rate each of them on a scale of 1-10 (10 you’re living it, 1 you are not living it.)
The 2nd column shows you the likely results of not being you (shadow).
An example for this exercise would look like this using number 1.
If you feel your deepest needs and allow yourself to feel your pain and process it,
you would put a 10 next to it.If you made a vow to not feel you deepest needs and tend to others instead
your score would be a 1
The healthy results of owning your These limit us from being in our
how I hurt and how to tend to it.
To be vulnerable. Let Feels and acts shattered or broken
people feel and experience
my vulnerability.
Feel deserving to ask and receive Feels and acts entitled and selfish
what I need and desire.
Be in my power; to own my Uses manipulation, rape,
power to be me free, money, aggression, & takes without
sexuality…. asking to get what they desire.
Embrace my sensual feelings, Uses addictions as pleasure
have pleasures and desirable
Be Playful, silly, and have fun. Feels irresponsible if playing or
having fun
Feel passionate desires, let myself Passions denied creates rage,
feel the passion in my body, and murder, and hate when something
express them. doesn’t work out.
Embody my pure sexual desires Rape or use sex as manipulation
and pleasures. This is my life force
Be in the present moment. Feels it’s never enough, wants
time slows down and I allow more- time, money, love…
myself to experience what is
Experience my one to one Losing yourself or obsession
relationships deeply