4 Sure-Fire Steps to Free Yourself from Anxiety
Anxiety, we all have it and some more than others. A full-blown anxiety or panic attack can feel paralyzing and life threatening. You feel like you’re outside your body, confused or spacey. It feels hard to breath and you have a strong sensation of doom, like you’re going to die even though you may be home safely reading a book in your bed. On the lighter end of the anxiety spectrum you may feel afraid and very vulnerable with “what if I fail?” thoughts crossing your mind. Before giving a speech on stage, you think you can’t remember anything, with an upset stomach, heart racing and flushed...
Read MoreStressed? Try EFT Tapping to Calm Yourself
Stress is a killer of your creativity and plays havoc with your health and well-being. Some cognitive symptoms of stress include the inability to concentrate, anxious or racing thoughts, and constant worrying. If you are irritable, moody, agitated, feeling overwhelmed, lonely or depressed, those can be signs of emotional stress. Physical symptoms are probably most obvious, and they include any kind of pain, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, constipation, loss of sex drive, chest pains and more. You can also have behavioral issues such as eating more or less than usual, procrastinating, sleeping...
Read MoreTapping – How exactly and why does it work?
I talk a lot about tapping and share my Youtube videos with you and today I thought I’d share how tapping works and why it is an amazing tool for you to use the rest of your life to help you break through any blocks you have and heal your past. Tapping stops your body from going into fight/ flight stress mode. It is important for you to not be in stress 24/7. We have an epidemic of stress that is prematurely aging our bodies and brains as well as contributing to a wide variety of diseases. The American Psychological Association states that “reducing your stress levels can not only make you...
Read More5 New Habits that will keep you Energized and Focused on Succeeding
Do you wake up dragging or anxious? Do you feel like you are all over the place emotionally throughout the day? Do you easily get distracted and feel confused and end up not getting much done during the day? Is your day filled with worry and fears? Do you jump from idea to idea without a plan and don’t complete projects? If you said YES to any of these you will want to read further. Highly sensitive and Creative people are easily affected by their environment. Learning to manage your energy (as well as keeping other’s energy out – Learn how HERE) is key to building the successful life and...
Read More3 Tools to Help you Find your Authentic Self
You may have heard of researcher and storyteller Dr. Brené Brown before. Dr. Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston and she has spent the past thirteen years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. As the author of three #1 New York Times Bestsellers: Rising Strong, Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection you can find many quotes from her books, writings and TED talks online. This week, I felt really drawn to her quote about ‘Belonging.’ “Belonging is the innate human desire to be part of something larger than us. Because this yearning is so primal,...
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