Ascension 101: Ascension Guide Part 1
Welcome to Ascension 101! If you’re here you may be wondering: What is ascension? Ascension involves the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion of awareness, which creates a shift in consciousness. It describes the shift in a life system moving from one energetic state to a different and higher energetic state. Essentially, it as an evolution towards our highest selves. If it’s easier, you can think of it as a shift from 3D to 5D or from AM to FM on a radio. One of the biggest things you begin to understand during ascension is that everything is energy. All the life...
Read MorePowerful Process to Stop taking on Other People’s Energy
I get asked this question a lot, as an Empath, how do you spend time with people and not take on their feelings like your own? In the video below, I guide you through a powerful process that I apply and teach my clients and students to have healthy boundaries. Please comment below to let me know what you got out of this experience. PRACTICE it every day for a week (at least) and let me know the results you got and if you have any questions. Check out the blog I spoke about in the video for more information on being an empath: Is being an Empath Stifling Your Well-Being? SHARING IS CARING FOR...
Read MoreBoot Holiday Stress Out of Your Life, Highly Sensitives
It’s the Holiday stress time when life can feel overwhelming with added social events and longer to do lists. The stress, anxiety and overwhelm can be minimalized if you take good care of yourself. With strategic planning and conscious monitoring of your energy and emotions, you will have a holiday that fulfills you instead of depletes you. To help you navigate I’m sharing 5 Powerful Steps for Highly Sensitives to Kick Holiday Stress with tools to help you. Here is what is causes highly sensitives holiday stress: overwhelmed – there are too much to do and too many places to be...
Read MoreDaily Energy Balancing Routine for Highly Sensitive People
I practice a Daily Energy Balancing Routine every day that helps me maintain my ability to be influential, empowered, creative, healthy and free myself from other people’s energy. I’ve created an energy balancing video routine for you to follow along with in the video below to experience it for yourself. If you live in an energetic world (that is really crazy right now) and we are energy Beings, doesn’t it make sense to be working your energy every day to create balance, harmony, and well-being in your life? No one else can do your energy work for you! You’ll...
Read MoreEmpath, Are You Feeling a Little Crazy?
As an empath I became overwhelmed by all tragedies that were happening in the world and around me and I lost focus on what I wanted to create instead I ending up focusing on my fears. I lost my center and grounding. I was watching the news, reading descriptions of casualties that I should have never read. I am too empathic and easily influenced with stories and visuals that make me feel as if I am there experiencing the event. As a result I strayed from my boundaries and I started to experience physical and emotional symptoms; a spike in my blood pressure, low on and off depression, grief,...
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