Are You a Starseed Pioneer for Humanity?
A Starseed Pioneer is someone who goes into new territory to find information that serves others and bring it back to them. As a pioneer you are seeking valuable information that will better people’s lives and/or mother earth. You are not a follower, you are an independent thinker and explorer. You are usually mentored by other Pioneers out in front of you learning and combining information. Are You a Starseed Pioneer for Humanity? Ways to know if YOU are a Starseed Pioneer! From a young age, you were fascinated with a subject that you instinctively pursued because you thought it would...
Read MoreBurnt out? Lonely? Gain Life/Work Harmony
“I’m burnt out! I can’t handle one more thing in my life. Something has to change or I’m going crazy!” “I’m lonely and depressed!” “I didn’t sign up for this lifestyle; all work and no play!” These are a few of the comments I hear from my clients who are not living harmoniously. Our ADD world and addictions to social media and media have to lead us into a 24 hour possible work day and way too much information that is creating anxiety, overwhelm, overstimulation and major stress on our body! There is no balance in life, but you...
Read MoreIs Being an Empath Stifling Your Well-Being?
As an empath, do you feel you don’t have control of your emotions around other people? Do you feel like you’re a leaf in a hurricane emotionally throughout the day? Do you believe it’s good for you to feel everyone’s suffering and pain? As a sensitive or empath, we have high emotional responses to the energy around us as we tune into our environments all day. As a child empath, we are not taught how to manage all the energy we tune into, so we end up taking on other people’s emotions as our own. This disempowers us as it drains our life energy and it takes us out of...
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