8 Quick Steps to Resolving Life’s Challenges in a Healthy Way
One of the ways you keep yourself stuck when realizing you are in a place in your live that you don’t want to be in, is to resist it rather than accepting it. You think “NO, it can’t be true,” “This can’t be happening to me,” or “Why me?” and beat yourself up for thinking you shouldn’t be where you are. Instead of dealing with the problem, you end up focusing on how stupid, naive, unlucky or alone you feel and not addressing the real issues. This process doesn’t do you any good. In fact it dis-empowers you! To stop this cycle, follow my 8 Steps to Resolve Challenges below. Use this...
Read MoreAre You Clear & Committed To Happiness Or Are You Whining?
Are you clear & committed to happiness in your life or are you just whining your way through it? Do you have a habit of complaining about what you don’t like and don’t do anything to right it? Why? Is all your focus on comparing, gossiping, and judging others instead of creating happiness for yourself? Are you seeing everything that is wrong about you, others and the world? Are you complaining about what other people have and you don’t? Why? Because if you are, you are wasting your energy and time! This will get you nothing but more things to whine and bitch about and cause...
Read MoreTop Tips to a WOW instead of a WHOA
I had to learn to say YES to life … …rather than WHOA and now that I know how to, I teach this to my clients. Saying “whoa” to things in your life is saying “I don’t want this or that” and that’s keeping you from saying “yes” to what you want in your life. It seems like a little thing, but that “little thing” is happening unconsciously 95% of your day and this is how your day ends up not looking or feeling like you desired. Whatever you put your attention on (consciously or unconsciously) is what you are going to create more of in your life. It is the unconscious attention...
Read MoreExercise to Discover Your Disempowering Vows
I am currently in the 4th week of my Healthy & Wealthy Training. The group is working on everything surrounding the 2nd chakra, which focuses on your feelings, senses and emotions. According to intuitive healer Cyndi Dale, “a chakra is nothing more or less than a wheel of light revolving in and through our energy system” and theosophical teacher C.W. Leadbeater defines them as “force centers…points of connection at which energy flows from one body to another.” The 2nd chakra is extremely important and powerful, because it is where your self-image forms, where you let the world in and...
Read More# 1 Recipe for Creating Your NEW Reality
Last week I wrote about making NEW conscious choices and the slippery slope of unconsciously living in your past life. So you now know that nothing will change until you realize you are “The One Power” connected to the Infinite Intelligence (Source, Universe, God etc.) co-creating your life. To stop having your old programming communicating with the Infinite Intelligence you have to change your past programming information and it will change your subconscious mind. The Infinite Intelligence will know your new desires and help you create them. And The Law of Attraction will work! Here is how...
Read MoreLearn What is Keeping You From Saving Money
In this Millennials & Money Cafe podcast you will learn what your negative mind & body programmings are around having more money in your savings account. I take you through a process to help clear your feelings and thoughts that are causing you stress around your savings, so you can begin to save and create more money in your life. You’d be surprised at how many people are uncomfortable having money in their savings account. Money traumas as a child make you relate money to pain, suffering, lack of love and more, which makes holding on to money almost impossible, because who...
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