Learn How To Develop A Prosperity Mindset
When I first started to take responsibility for my life and not just leave it to chance happenings, random acts of God, luck, or other people’s actions, I had to learn to spot my negative and lack mindset. I had no idea that I had been programmed from my environment (family, school, religion, community, media…) and that I could change my life and wealth by changing my mindset. I don’t know about you, but there were no consciously empowering mindset trainings in my childhood and some adulthood. You were expected to do as you were told and be a good citizen with limited...
Read MoreLearn Why Is It Hard For You To Be In Your Body
Highly Sensitive & Creative People have a hard time being in their bodies, because it feels too painful or unsafe. We’ve learned to move out of our bodies and more in the spirit realm in order to not feel the pain and suffering of others, humanity and our planet as a means for survival. We also discovered that we didn’t like feeling bad about ourselves so we would distract ourselves with thinking and spacing out as an alternative to feeling. After escaping our feelings for awhile, it becomes a habit that eventually turns into who we believe we are…people who get...
Read MoreCreate A Life You Love Part 3, Timing and Knowledge Keys for Success
Learn why it is important: to create a time frame for energy and excitement chunk down your vision to smaller & more manageable time frames for success gain specific knowledge in order to move forward Please share what you’ve gained from this video and what you are choosing as your next steps to living the life you love. If you would like a discovery session with me please comment email me at [email protected] To living a life you love, Marilyn
Read MoreCreate A Life You Love Part 4, Your Beliefs Are Keeping You Stuck
Part 4 covers transforming your energy blocks and beliefs that are keeping you from having what you desire. The root of our suffering is the belief that we are not safe, not supported, good enough, worthy enough, smart enough, successful enough, and on and on. In other words, our perception of our selves and our world rule the choices we make in our life. That is unless we are making conscious choices, using our will power to over ride them. The minute we let our conscious guard down the subconscious mind takes over making our habitual decisions making for us. It isn’t until we have...
Read MoreCreate A Life You Love Part 1, If You’re Not Clear What You Desire,You Won’t Manifest It
Learn why it is important for you to be very clear on what it is that you desire to BE, Have or Do to create a life you love. You can’t create if you don’t start here. Creation is an inside job and no one else can do it for you. I’d love for you to pick one area of your life you want to improve and write out what exactly you can imagine your life being different. How do you feel, what experiences would be happening for you, who are you with, what is the environment like, smell, taste, body movements….. See it in your minds eye, experience like a day dream and it is real…. Keep replaying...
Read MoreOur Judgments Get In The Way Of Us Manifesting
Our judgments get in the way of us manifesting what we want. We place an order to the Universe asking for money, a relationship, a job… while in a high frequency state of mind. (love, excitement, happy, hopeful, gratitude…) And then we start doubting whether it will work, or if we’re good enough to have it because it’s not happening right away. We judge ourselves and the way it is happening or not happening at the rte we expected. This judgement lowers our vibrational frequency and puts us in a place where we can’t receive what we requested because you...
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