Our Deepest Desires and Resistance, Part 2
Why would you resist abundance, deep caring for yourself, health, recognition, success, feeling love, being seen and heard or feeling safe? The answer is your personal programming you learned from your environment growing up and your beliefs about yourself and the world. Here are some examples of the consequences of negative programming: · You believe others are more important than you; · You don’t know your deepest desires; · You haven’t been taught how to care for your emotional, spiritual, and physical needs; · You believe the world is unsafe and/or people can’t be...
Read MoreLearn How Your Beliefs Are Sabotaging Your Personal Power & Success
Clearing negative beliefs and replacing new, true, and empowering beliefs will grow your personal power and success in your life. Your thoughts, beliefs and actions predict your future. Your past does not! Your beliefs are directly related to your potential. What you belief influences your actions. When you doubt/worry/fear you limit your potential. Managing your minds and energy is your most important daily practice Feel certain about your new potential and you will have created new results. Perfect practice in your mind makes for perfect application without thinking...
Read MoreBruce Lipton, Ph.D – Revolution of the Evolution & Emergence of Cultural Creatives
It’s consciousness that changes the world. A lot of people now feel the world is out of control, so let’s get a lot of people together that recognize that and consciously create the world we want! We are one giant consciousness that is called humanity! Each of us creates!!!! Choose what you want consciously, stop running your life unconsciously. Cultural Creatives = people who look at the different beliefs in the conventual world and create new beliefs. They are creating more sustainable beliefs than the programs we were programmed...
Read MoreAn Intuition Story That Changed The Direction Of My Life
In 2002 I was searching for my bigger purpose, that I knew I wasn’t living at the time. My intuition guided me to write down on a piece of paper what I was good at, what my interest were, skills, talents, passions, etc. until it felt complete. I had no clue where this would take me or why I was doing it other than I was following my intuition. Then my intuition guided me to look up a coaching site a friend had sent me 2 years prior. (I thought it was sports coaching) I opened it and saw that just about everything on my list could be valuable to a coach. I was really excited. I then...
Read MoreReceiving is Key to Manifesting Something New
It is not so much about controlling things in your life, as it is to opening your self up to receiving guidance. You are an extension of source energy and when asked for direct you towards what it is you desire. You have to be willing to ask, receive guidance and then follow through on actions. Say to the Universe: I give you permission to guide me. It is much more knowledgeable and resourceful than your thinking mind. Creating a practice is important because If you’re spinning in your mind or too overwhelmed you won’t be open to...
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