Monday Inspiration: Career, Life and Leadership!
During a student-led interview at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Oprah Winfrey shares seminal moments of her career journey and the importance of listening to your instincts. Winfrey also offers advice to students on how to find their calling: “Align your personality with your purpose, and no one can touch you.” She shares that it’s okay to not know what to do. In fact, not knowing what you want to do is the best place you can be if you don’t know what to do. So don’t be afraid! Follow your heart and do what YOU desire. By not knowing, you then have time...
Read MoreWhy You Can’t Transform Your Life On Your Own
Happiness, Prosperity and Success is a science. There is a system that as your coach I will teach you. Remember, you can’t do what you don’t know. If you are not aware of the causes of your life and business results, you can’t change them. If you don’t know where you want to be or what you really desire you won’t be able to create what is necessary for you to achieve what you desire. I teach you the systems and structures for creating what you desire and you can use it over and over creating the life you desire. Not only is there a...
Read MoreWomen Waking Up & Redefining Their Lives!
WOW what a summer! My life has been one adventure after another since May, traveling around the country, redefining the way I do business and live my life, so my life is better aligned to meet my needs and values. The reasons I have been able to have these adventures and all my Queenly pleasures is because I have allowed myself to express my true purpose and nature in the world rather than abandoning them. What is true for me is to play, travel, inspire, love, and help people transform their lives to feel and be more loving. When you are happily being you and asking for what you really...
Read MoreLeaders are being called to show up. Are you one of them?
Our world is calling all leaders to wake up and stand up for what they feel compelled to change or create. You are more powerful than you believe in your ability to have a positive impact and influence in the world. This is an incredible time to be alive! Whether you are 10 or 103 years old, you have influence and impact on the direction our world is moving towards. Through your actions, words, deeds, attitude, relationships, consciousness, and attention you create impressions all around you. You influence way beyond your immediate environment. Becoming aware that you do have influence and...
Read More3 Steps to Clear Energetic Overwhelm and Create Healthy Boundaries
Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, confused, not like yourself and less powerful around other people? Are you attached to other’s outcomes more than to your own? Do you feel entangled in your relationships not knowing where you begin and end? Are you in unhealthy relationships? Are you attracting what you don’t want into your life instead of what you desire? As a energetic beings it is important to understand that 90% of our feelings and thoughts aren’t our own. Learning how to manage and clear your energetic clutter is essential for creating healthy boundaries, peace of...
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