Are You Living A Turned-On Life?
I’ve created a short video message for you about how to become turned on in your life. Below are some notes for you. (I’m sorry about the quality of the video, It wasn’t that way on my video in iMovie. It wasn’t until it went to youtube, that this lighting problem showed up. Please share with me if you know a solution to stopping this. Frustrating.) Thanks in advance! Click on the link below! Click here to view video —>Are You Living a Turned On Life? Self love + turned on energy = infinite possibilities, new choices and opportunities that will...
Read MoreDo You KNOW How Powerful YOU Are?
The idea that you are alone living your life is so far from the truth and yet this limiting belief runs wild in many people’s minds afflicting them with painful feelings of boredom, abandonment, loneliness, powerlessness and shame. You are a sensitive, intuitive, genius and highly aware of energies and information around you… take time to tune into them and trust the information you receive. This is your own awakening. When you are not aware of your energy and the energy around you, you have gone unconscious. I KNOW even though you may frequently go unconscious and forget who you...
In 2015 I see you embodying the magnificence you hold within you. I see you imagining your wildest dreams coming true and manifesting them all while positively influencing humanity. I imagine you being the Rock Star, the Queen, the Leader, the Hero, the Creator of your Life. I can see and feel the joy, love and pleasure you create for yourself and everyone around you. Can you? What can you imagine? Can you create yourself anew? ~ Let go of what was ~ and DARE to be OUTRAGEOUSLY YOU! YES you CAN! TO BE CREATIVELY BOLD takes personal power and courage. To b pass your...
Read MoreWhy 30 Is Not The New 20
Below is a TED Talk Published on May 13, 2013 with clinical psychologist Meg Jay sharing with the audience how important it is for 20-somethings not to throw their 20’s away as disposable time thinking you will accomplish everything in your 30s. She has a bold message for 20-somethings: Contrary to popular belief, your 20s are not a throwaway decade. In this provocative talk, Jay says that just because marriage, work and kids are happening later in life, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning now. I have clients in their 20s and they are realizing that planning is not a...
Read MoreHave You Been Hurt By A Narcissistic Parent?
Having a narcissist parent is one of the most challenging and damaging relationships for a child. It diminishes a child’s self esteem, ability to trust themselves and others, and creates anxiety because they don’t feel safe at their core. It is a very confusing relationship. Not everyone knows what a narcissistic personality is like, so I thought I’d share the toxic results of this relationship and how to deal with one if you have one in your life. Narcissist are dangerous because they lack empathy, have limited capacity for unconditional love and are only interested in...
Read MorePerfectionism Kills Success
What is important to you? I really want to know, so if you feel like sharing I would love to hear from you. Rest and fun are important to me and my partner Jeff, so last week we went to Hawaii. We spent 3 days in Waikiki while Jeff played in a lacrosse tournament and then we headed to Maui for 4 days. While we were on Maui we did a lot of snorkeling, swimming and exploring the island. One day I had the miracle of swimming with a giant turtle. (picture of one below–that is not me diving). I felt like a mermaid in a scared moment. I’m so excited to announce we have a new addition...
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