Posts Tagged "Training"

Stop the Process of Doubt

Posted by on Sep 4, 2015 | Comments Off on Stop the Process of Doubt

If you don’t feel save being yourself, it’s almost impossible to manifest what you want in your life! I know, I’m sure you’ve heard that before, but have you really contemplated that? Have you done the work it takes to really go down to the deep roots of your insecurities stemming from childhood programming and vows? Many therapists, instructors, teachers, coaches, artists, entertainers etc. are trying to help their clients or friends through thinking and being outside their body instead of being inside their body, where their powers to create are. Last year I offered...

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Staying Healthy, Successful and Empowered While Serving Others

Posted by on Aug 22, 2011 | Comments Off on Staying Healthy, Successful and Empowered While Serving Others

Staying Healthy, Successful and Empowered While Serving Others

New Life Energy Coaching Workshops Stay Healthy, Successful and Empowered While Serving Others The difference between powerful influencers and mediocre ones is that the powerful are willing to do the stuff they don’t want to, regardless of how they feel.  The powerful learn how to manage their minds and energies to make necessary changes.  You might not feel like making changes in your life because you don’t want to feel uncomfortable, but if you’re called to influence others to achieve greatness, you must master yourself.  This is your life, learn to own it and lead! Join us...

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