Posts Tagged "self care"

Stressed? Try EFT Tapping to Calm Yourself

Posted by on Mar 1, 2016 | Comments Off on Stressed? Try EFT Tapping to Calm Yourself

Stressed? Try EFT Tapping to Calm Yourself

Stress is a killer of your creativity and plays havoc with your health and well-being. Some cognitive symptoms of stress include the inability to concentrate, anxious or racing thoughts, and constant worrying. If you are irritable, moody, agitated, feeling overwhelmed, lonely or depressed, those can be signs of emotional stress. Physical symptoms are probably most obvious, and they include any kind of pain, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, constipation, loss of sex drive, chest pains and more. You can also have behavioral issues such as eating more or less than usual, procrastinating, sleeping...

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Tapping – How exactly and why does it work?

Posted by on Feb 23, 2016 | Comments Off on Tapping – How exactly and why does it work?

Tapping – How exactly and why does it work?

I talk a lot about tapping and share my Youtube videos with you and today I thought I’d share how tapping works and why it is an amazing tool for you to use the rest of your life to help you break through any blocks you have and heal your past. Tapping stops your body from going into fight/ flight stress mode. It is important for you to not be in stress 24/7. We have an epidemic of stress that is prematurely aging our bodies and brains as well as contributing to a wide variety of diseases. The American Psychological Association states that “reducing your stress levels can not only make you...

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5 New Habits that will keep you Energized and Focused on Succeeding

Posted by on Feb 15, 2016 | 2 comments

5 New Habits that will keep you Energized and Focused on Succeeding

Do you wake up dragging or anxious? Do you feel like you are all over the place emotionally throughout the day? Do you easily get distracted and feel confused and end up not getting much done during the day? Is your day filled with worry and fears? Do you jump from idea to idea without a plan and don’t complete projects? If you said YES to any of these you will want to read further. Highly sensitive and Creative people are easily affected by their environment. Learning to manage your energy (as well as keeping other’s energy out – Learn how HERE) is key to building the successful life and...

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3 Steps to Stop Holiday Stress and Overwhelm

Posted by on Nov 3, 2015 | Comments Off on 3 Steps to Stop Holiday Stress and Overwhelm

3 Steps to Stop Holiday Stress and Overwhelm

 Photo by Dakota Ross The holidays are coming up fast and already people are feeling stressed and anxious! The funny thing is that many people feel stressed and anxious because they ultimately want to have and provide a great time for themselves and others. So to help you make this holiday season more joy filled and less stressful, I am going to share steps that you can take that will. First let’s get clear on what some of the common holiday stressors are Perfectionism, wanting everything to be perfect Feeling pressured to be social when you don’t want to be social Feeling unsafe at family...

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You Are The Secret!

Posted by on Sep 13, 2014 | Comments Off on You Are The Secret!

You Are The Secret!

I had a wonderful time interviewing author Michelle Martin Dobbin about how to create  and experience more daily miracles this week on the radio show. She is the highly sensitive, creative and successful author of Personal Alchemy and Relationship Alchemy as well as her blog on    An important point for you to not miss that we covered is, “what is alchemy and how it is the main ingredient of the Law of Attraction” that most people are missing. If the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you this is key information for your benefit.   Here is the...

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