Posts Tagged "overwhelm"

Reign In Your Wildly Creative Mind~Highly Sensitives

Posted by on Mar 25, 2019 | 2 comments

Reign In Your Wildly Creative Mind~Highly Sensitives

Do you have a wildly creative mind? (0-60 sec. elaborate story creator) Are you easily influenced by images, stories, and other people? Do you deeply process and reflect on the meanings and relations of things and situations? Do you take emotions, ideas, and thoughts to an extreme?     A runaway negative creative mind limits your actions and decision making and has you feeling out of control, uncomfortable, stressed and overwhelmed. Do you avoid making mistakes? Are you cautious and take time making decisions?   Highly Sensitive’s creative minds will deeply process every...

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Highly Sensitive Grounding Tools To Stop Your Anxiety and Fear

Posted by on Aug 1, 2017 | Comments Off on Highly Sensitive Grounding Tools To Stop Your Anxiety and Fear

Highly Sensitive Grounding Tools To Stop Your Anxiety and Fear

Today I’m sharing highly sensitive grounding tools to stop anxiety and fear you may be experiencing with all the wild things happening in the world and Universe right now. Grounding is an essential and profound tool to help you cope and manage your life as a highly sensitive person. This practice will calm your stressed brain and body, leaving you feeling centered, connected and peaceful.   Growing up sensitive can make it uncomfortable to feel everything around us, so we learn at a young age to go up in our heads and out of our bodies to not feel so much. Although it feels more...

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Stop Procrastinating, Embrace Change & Get your Taxes Done

Posted by on Mar 21, 2016 | Comments Off on Stop Procrastinating, Embrace Change & Get your Taxes Done

Stop Procrastinating, Embrace Change & Get your Taxes Done

This is the time of year. TAXES. Ahhh. Many of you, sensitive creatives & entrepreneurs, may be pulling your hair out just about now. Your whole body is rearing up like a wild horse, resisting to get your taxes done, procrastinating to collect all the information, data and documents needed to finish this unenjoyable task. Maybe this is the first year you have to do business taxes because you just started your first business last year. Congratulations on taking the step to enter the world of creative entrepreneurs! If you are a creative, taxes are just not your thing, but you can do...

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3 Steps to Stop Holiday Stress and Overwhelm

Posted by on Nov 3, 2015 | Comments Off on 3 Steps to Stop Holiday Stress and Overwhelm

3 Steps to Stop Holiday Stress and Overwhelm

 Photo by Dakota Ross The holidays are coming up fast and already people are feeling stressed and anxious! The funny thing is that many people feel stressed and anxious because they ultimately want to have and provide a great time for themselves and others. So to help you make this holiday season more joy filled and less stressful, I am going to share steps that you can take that will. First let’s get clear on what some of the common holiday stressors are Perfectionism, wanting everything to be perfect Feeling pressured to be social when you don’t want to be social Feeling unsafe at family...

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