Taking Care of Yourself First is not Easy
It took me a long time to learn that I had to take care of myself first, because I believed it was my job to take care of others. My value and worthiness were wrapped tightly around taking care of others. I noticed that if I took care of those around me by solving their challenges and minimizing their suffering I was needed and no one would abandon me. If I made everyone’s life easier and happier then I would be taken care of and safe. After my parents divorced, my grandmother scowled at me with a stern voice and finger pointing, „You better be a good girl for your mother, so you...
Read MoreLearn How Growing Up With A Narcissist Limits YOU Financially, Professionally and Personally
Get some paper or your journal and a pen and gift yourself this time to start to positively change your relationship with money and yourself! Learn How Growing Up With A Narcissist Limits YOU Financially, Professionally and Personally March 11, 2015 http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=67012689
Read MoreYou Are More Than You Think
Click on the link below to listen to the podcast to Learn how to change your life from the inside out. Creating an abundant, healthy, loving, empowered mindset that you embody to manifest the dream life you were meant to live. This was my first show on a radio program I had before Millennials & Money Cafe called Embodying Prosperity, that is relevant information for you to know. What is Prosperity? My definition: creating an abundant, healthy, loving, empowered life your spirit desires to live. Living your life purpose. What do I mean by Embody? My definition: To bring your passions,...
Read MoreLearn Why Is It Hard For You To Be In Your Body
Highly Sensitive & Creative People have a hard time being in their bodies, because it feels too painful or unsafe. We’ve learned to move out of our bodies and more in the spirit realm in order to not feel the pain and suffering of others, humanity and our planet as a means for survival. We also discovered that we didn’t like feeling bad about ourselves so we would distract ourselves with thinking and spacing out as an alternative to feeling. After escaping our feelings for awhile, it becomes a habit that eventually turns into who we believe we are…people who get...
Read MoreCreate A Life You Love Part 3, Timing and Knowledge Keys for Success
Learn why it is important: to create a time frame for energy and excitement chunk down your vision to smaller & more manageable time frames for success gain specific knowledge in order to move forward Please share what you’ve gained from this video and what you are choosing as your next steps to living the life you love. If you would like a discovery session with me please comment email me at [email protected] To living a life you love, Marilyn
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