Find Steady Ground and Your Center in this Shaky World
As a Highly Sensitive and empath, it is important for you to find STEADY GROUND and YOUR CENTER as much as you can during these intense and transformative times. Taking on or feeling other people’s fears and anxiety will only drain you and distract you from managing your life and business. Finding your own ground and center will help others find theirs. As you ground and center yourself regularly, you will start to experience its benefits of calm, balance and flow in the mists of chaos. From this centered and grounded personality change becomes a gift rather than a challenge to suffer...
Read MoreHow To Easily Connect to Source and Create More Opportunities
The world can feel like a crazy place right now and you can do things to manage your life to feel more grounded, connected and creative. Todays challenges are nudges from the Universe to wake up and be your brilliant self and get back on your path. When we are faced with business problems, health issues, or relationship blowups, we tend to become more micro focused what is not working and feeling bad about yourself rather than creating solutions and creating something new. When you KNOW you are connected to a support system bigger than you ( Source/God/Quantum Field) and that you are always...
Read MoreHow to Ground Yourself and Why
I talk about grounding and clearing your energy field often in my blogs, videos and podcast episodes. Learning to ground myself has been a tremendous help for my clients and myself. Without grounding I would not be able to hold a safe and neutral space for my clients and for humanity as a light worker. Grounding is part of my daily practice leading to clearing and setting healthy boundaries. I often get asked why I do this routine every day and what it actually does. I believe this is an essential tool and skill for sensitives and wounded souls like myself and my clients. Here are...
Read More4 Sure-Fire Steps to Free Yourself from Anxiety
Anxiety, we all have it and some more than others. A full-blown anxiety or panic attack can feel paralyzing and life threatening. You feel like you’re outside your body, confused or spacey. It feels hard to breath and you have a strong sensation of doom, like you’re going to die even though you may be home safely reading a book in your bed. On the lighter end of the anxiety spectrum you may feel afraid and very vulnerable with “what if I fail?” thoughts crossing your mind. Before giving a speech on stage, you think you can’t remember anything, with an upset stomach, heart racing and flushed...
Read MoreStressed? Try EFT Tapping to Calm Yourself
Stress is a killer of your creativity and plays havoc with your health and well-being. Some cognitive symptoms of stress include the inability to concentrate, anxious or racing thoughts, and constant worrying. If you are irritable, moody, agitated, feeling overwhelmed, lonely or depressed, those can be signs of emotional stress. Physical symptoms are probably most obvious, and they include any kind of pain, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, constipation, loss of sex drive, chest pains and more. You can also have behavioral issues such as eating more or less than usual, procrastinating, sleeping...
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