6-Step Guide to Landing Your Next Career
When my my daughter was looking for a job after college, I put together this 6-Step-Plan for her. I know many of you are in a similar position and wonder how you can accomplish that important, major goal. Finding a new position or career can be daunting, but also exhilarating. This 6-Step system works if you work it daily. Remember, successful people do what unsuccessful aren’t willing to do. (HINT: all of the below!) Here are 6 simple steps on how you can land your next job. 6-Step Plan To Landing Your Next Job or Career STEP 1: First of all, every morning and at bedtime:...
Read MoreOur Deepest Desires and Resistance, Part 2
Why would you resist abundance, deep caring for yourself, health, recognition, success, feeling love, being seen and heard or feeling safe? The answer is your personal programming you learned from your environment growing up and your beliefs about yourself and the world. Here are some examples of the consequences of negative programming: · You believe others are more important than you; · You don’t know your deepest desires; · You haven’t been taught how to care for your emotional, spiritual, and physical needs; · You believe the world is unsafe and/or people can’t be...
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