Are Your Childhood Vows Keeping Your Income Low?
I am feeling so grateful for my life, my connections to others and my life’s work! Today I’m heading to a Brendon Burchard workshop with my girlfriend Kathleen. I am so excited to connect with new friends/collaborators who I’m suppose to meet there and learn some things that I will apply to my life that will launch me to my next level of awesomeness. Then the following week Jeff and I are taking a week’s vacation in Hawaii. I can already feel the water and see myself snorkeling in the beautiful ocean. I’m calling in the dolphins to join me. And romance,...
Read MoreWhere Is Your Money Vibe Right Now?
Do you have a clear idea on where your “money vibe” is right now? It’s really easy to find out with this fast exercise and tapping I’m going to share with you. What is a “money vibe”? It is a term, my teacher Margaret Lynch, uses to determine if someone is actively engaged in attracting/creating/manifesting money or actively blocking/sabotaging/avoiding money. So what do you think? Would it be helpful to know what your money vibe is today? You bet! Besides, when we identify where you vibe is, you can take laser focused steps with tapping to shift it...
Read MoreMonday Inspiration: Career, Life and Leadership!
During a student-led interview at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Oprah Winfrey shares seminal moments of her career journey and the importance of listening to your instincts. Winfrey also offers advice to students on how to find their calling: “Align your personality with your purpose, and no one can touch you.” She shares that it’s okay to not know what to do. In fact, not knowing what you want to do is the best place you can be if you don’t know what to do. So don’t be afraid! Follow your heart and do what YOU desire. By not knowing, you then have time...
Read MoreHow to become a better Receiver
Receiving is natural. It’s a positive and good thing. Taking (maybe with an agenda, recklessly or carelessly) is a different thing, but this often gets confused and the word “receiving” takes on a negative connotation because of it. But, the truth is that it is natural and good for you to have what you desire, and when you put a “but” or judgments in front of or after your desire you energetically cancel it out. If you say” this is how it has to be specifically” you limit your possibilities. Example: “I want to travel… BUT … I...
Read MoreEmbrace Your Challenges To Grow Your Prosperity
As soon as you have an inspiration to have more prosperity in your life it will bring up one or more challenges that you have with being worthy of prosperous and successful. The reason you don’t already have the prosperity you desire is because there is personal work needing your attention to change in order for you to receive what you declared. These personal issues show up as your daily challenges or problems. That’s right! Your challenges and problems are there to help you expand your life not limit it. Just because you’re having challenges doesn’t mean you are...
Read MorePleasure Is Your Purpose, Are you FEELING it?
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Everyone I wish for you to feel your worthiness, connected, peace of mind, loving & compassionate heart, your needs being met, prosperity, joy, playfulness, pleasure, ease and grace today and always! ~~Marilyn Your 2nd Chakra Vows Keeping You Stuck Are you allowing yourself to feel and receive what you need and want? Do you “DO” instead of “FEEL”? Do you feel your body or do you think about it? Do you take on other people’s feelings, so then you don’t get to feel your own self-image and don’t feel who...
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