3 Steps to Effectively Go From Debt to Wealth?
It takes a lot to face things that bring us pain. Money is one of those things that majorly stresses us out. But if you spend a little bit of time in the pain with me, I can help you release the fight or flight stress response you experience so you can start to feeling positive energy around your money and new ways to be in relationship with it and yourself. In the audio below, Patricia Ogilvie and myself share the three steps to effectively go from debt to wealth in greater detail. Through multiple exercises we reveal how your past programming with money is influencing how you feel...
Read MoreSometimes you NEED a kick in the “BUT”, to SOAR
Last week I went to Boston to attend one of my mentors, Margaret Lynch’s Ignite event. One of her presentations on earning strategies for people who need money NOW. She shared how entrepreneurs can get caught up in the details of business and not be taking the important actions that are necessary to make money NOW, because of their money programming. As Sensitive Creatives entrepreneurs growing a passionate business can feel overwhelming, unsafe, and really challenging. We are usually drawn to share our gifts with the world, not attracted to creating a business. So we don’t...
Read More7 Day Millennials & Money Challenge
7 Day Millennials & Money Challenge This challenge is to awaken possibilities for you to expand your life, your influence and your love! Just by putting your attention on the questions I pose you will discover answers, stimulate creativity and have fun. This daily focus will start to change how you perceive and relate to money, abundance and your worthiness. Find out more here —> https://marilynomalley.com/7-day-millennials-money-challenge/
Read More6 (must do) Steps To Manifest Your Desires
STEP 1: Decide what you truly desire. A partner, a job you love, more money, a trip, new friends, a new home, tickets to a concert, a mentor, clients…..etc.If it is a big desire, it has to be something that you really want, so you will keep going till you get it. The desire to have it accomplished is very important. If you don’t have the desire you won’t accomplish it. So make sure it is a desire you really really want!Write down a list of things you want and rate each 1-10 how much you desire it, 10 being it is very true you want that and are willing to do what it takes to get it. STEP 2:...
Read MoreHO! HO! HO! or NO! NO! NO!
I don’t know about you but the holidays can have me bouncing from glee to dread. And the more I thought about what the holiday experience the more I saw how we can feel schizophrenic during the holiday because it brings out the BEST in us along with all our NEEDINESS. I see three areas that can create crazy making moments 1. Money 2. Holiday Trauma 3. Healthy Conscious Pleasure/Fun vs Unconscious self-sabotage Whatever holiday you celebrate, at this time of the year, spending money will create some form of stress for you, whether you have it or not. Because we...
Read MorePerfectionism Kills Success
What is important to you? I really want to know, so if you feel like sharing I would love to hear from you. Rest and fun are important to me and my partner Jeff, so last week we went to Hawaii. We spent 3 days in Waikiki while Jeff played in a lacrosse tournament and then we headed to Maui for 4 days. While we were on Maui we did a lot of snorkeling, swimming and exploring the island. One day I had the miracle of swimming with a giant turtle. (picture of one below–that is not me diving). I felt like a mermaid in a scared moment. I’m so excited to announce we have a new addition...
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