What Do You Want For YourSelf?
I am a certified ‘Passion Test’ facilitator, one of the first four people Janet and Chris Attwood trained and certified to give “The Passion Test” and workshop. It has proven to be a powerful tool for figuring out what you REALLY want in your life and where you are best served keeping your energy, imagination and actions focused. Many of my clients had opportunities show up the same day or the day after they declared their desire in this test. Others took longer focus over time because of the scope of their desires. They have created non-profits for children in India...
Read More25 Ways to Create Your Turned ON Life
Grab your journal and pen and write about your turned-on, adventurous life. Think of the activities that would make you happy and expand your horizons. It could be as simple as getting out of your daily routine and taking a different route to work, or turning on the radio and dancing to the music instead of sitting and watching TV, or wearing a bright color that makes you feel happy instead of black. Or what about something a little bit more exciting and challenging? Something that really gets your blood pumping and creates new brain cells and neurological pathways through learning and...
Read MoreYour Life Movie Series – Romantic Comedy II
Being the director of your own romantic comedy is empowering. As we move forward in creating your amazing movie series, I am excited to share this guest blog by the amazing Michelle Martin Dobbins. This excerpt of her book RELATIONSHIP ALCHEMY will provide you with additional insight and tools on how to heal existing relationships and invite new, fulfilling relationships into your life. Michelle is a writer who deeply believes in, lives and teaches The Law of Attraction. We are very much aligned in our outlook and approach to life, and our calling to help others. If you want to find out more...
Read MoreYour Life Movie Series – Romantic Comedy I
I get very excited when I think back on when I took charge of creating my life and my relationships. Especially romantic relationships after I went through my divorce. I think of it as being the director of my own life movie. Imagine writing your own script for your own life movie. What type of movie would you write? A romantic comedy, an adventure film, a documentary, maybe its not a film at all, maybe it’s a TV series? Let’s do a movie series together! Let’s write your own movie script, starting with a romantic comedy. Romantic relationships are our greatest teachers. But how do we attract...
Read MoreThe Art of Loving Yourself
Happy spring! The birds are going crazy around our home building nests, dive bombing Prince Philip our cat, and chasing each other. It’s fun to watch. Jeff and I have been working on our land in Santa Barbara clearing trees where the drive way and house will go. It is so exciting to create our sanctuary together. Every time I spend time there, I am falling more in love with the old oaks, each with their own personality and energy. I imagine painting them when I’m living there. We finally hang our gifted pray-flags from Barbara Savage who had them blessed in Bhutan for us and it...
Read MoreSometimes you NEED a kick in the “BUT”, to SOAR
Last week I went to Boston to attend one of my mentors, Margaret Lynch’s Ignite event. One of her presentations on earning strategies for people who need money NOW. She shared how entrepreneurs can get caught up in the details of business and not be taking the important actions that are necessary to make money NOW, because of their money programming. As Sensitive Creatives entrepreneurs growing a passionate business can feel overwhelming, unsafe, and really challenging. We are usually drawn to share our gifts with the world, not attracted to creating a business. So we don’t...
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