How to Work Harmoniously While Traveling
Creating work/life harmony while on the road has it’s rewards and its challenges just like your daily life. Awareness and planning are key to success in both area’s. Here is what I have learned from years of traveling and being an entrepreneur. How to Work Harmoniously While Traveling 1. Accept what is, and move forward from there: There will be lots of interruptions that will get in your way of your ideal expectations such as no power, no internet, partner interference, unexpected travel cancellations, detours, hunger, lack of room, fatigue, lack of inspiration, overwhelm,...
Read MoreLearn How Your Happiness Is Powerful
This is a great video reminding you that happiness is a choice and how powerful it is in our life! Dan Gilbert, author of “Stumbling on Happiness,” challenges the idea that we’ll be miserable if we don’t get what we want. Our “psychological immune system” lets us feel truly happy even when things don’t go as planned. Dan Gilbert: The Surprising Power of Happiness
Read MoreBiggest Block Keeping You Stuck In Your life
Asking to have my needs and desires met and receiving them has been my biggest lesson to to date. I share some of my journey on the audio below. Not believing my needs were important and essential to my happiness and prosperity held me back in every area of my life. It diminished my self worth, my love for myself and others, my creativity, my relationships and well-being. Your needs and desires are ESSENTIAL to you living your purpose! Please do not diminish them! Believing that my needs and desires were not as important as others left me feeling disconnected from spirit and humanity. I...
Creating Healthy Boundaries Boundaries, when created and managed correctly, they make sure that our real selves, not the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that aren’t us are in charge of our lives and they share information with the world, telling everyone exactly who we are, what we want,and how they can treat us. ~ Cyndi Dale Energetic Boundaries Click here for audio—> Creating Healthy Boundaries I take you through a clearing process and creating an energetic boundary Symptoms of poor boundaries: feeling overwhelmed by everyone else’s feelings, needs, problems negativity...
Read MoreLearn How To Be Happy
People are starving for Happiness! Ask anyone what they desire and it is usually to be happy or the thing they think that if they acquire it will make them happy. My natural tendency is to be happy yet I haven’t always chosen it. Yes, I said “chosen it!” We choose to be happy and it is determined by our perception of the world and our sense of meaning in it. The old idea that success creates happiness has been proven incorrect by scientific studies. It has been impressed upon us that if are successful and make others happy, make lots of money, get the girl/guy, the...
Read MoreCalm Your Overwhelm (Part 2)
I didn’t like myself for the longest time and I suffered because of it. So you can imagine how angry and excited I was to find out that there was information available (mainly to businessmen) that could stop my needless suffering caused by my low self-esteem, but also empowered me to be more authentic and love myself. That is when I started to learn about the brain and our unconscious and conscious minds. Positive thinking, changing your perception, think like a winner all the stuff that was mentioned in the movie The Secret. Once I learned that my thinking was my own and I could...
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