How to Clear Energetic Clutter & Create Healthy Boundaries
This week I had a Highly Sensitive Executive client come in looking and feeling like he had stuck his finger in an electrical socket. He was feeling wired but drained, stressed, overwhelmed, ungrounded and not like himself. His thoughts were spinning in his head out of control and he couldn’t pull himself out of the funk. I wrote in “The Gift of Being Highly Sensitive” how being a HSP can enrich your own and other people’s life’s. But in order to embrace those gifts and contribute, you want to make sure you are authentically yourself. (To find out if you are a Highly Sensitive Person click...
Read More8 Quick Steps to Resolving Life’s Challenges in a Healthy Way
One of the ways you keep yourself stuck when realizing you are in a place in your live that you don’t want to be in, is to resist it rather than accepting it. You think “NO, it can’t be true,” “This can’t be happening to me,” or “Why me?” and beat yourself up for thinking you shouldn’t be where you are. Instead of dealing with the problem, you end up focusing on how stupid, naive, unlucky or alone you feel and not addressing the real issues. This process doesn’t do you any good. In fact it dis-empowers you! To stop this cycle, follow my 8 Steps to Resolve Challenges below. Use this...
Read MoreStress Reduction Meditation
You might have seen the Christmas decorations at CostCo and other big stores already. In fact, I saw the first sets of decorations in late July…JULY! I guess they want to remind us to start shopping early, but for some of us, this just creates anxiety and reminds us of the stress that’s still to come. Once you feel completely stressed out, you are already in the middle of your old programming spiral. Hopefully, the tips I shared in this week’s blog was and will continue to be helpful to make your holiday season peaceful and enjoyable. To help you stop the stress before it...
Read MoreAre You Clear & Committed To Happiness Or Are You Whining?
Are you clear & committed to happiness in your life or are you just whining your way through it? Do you have a habit of complaining about what you don’t like and don’t do anything to right it? Why? Is all your focus on comparing, gossiping, and judging others instead of creating happiness for yourself? Are you seeing everything that is wrong about you, others and the world? Are you complaining about what other people have and you don’t? Why? Because if you are, you are wasting your energy and time! This will get you nothing but more things to whine and bitch about and cause...
Read More#1 Action to Change Your Personal & Professional Challenges
In a recent interview I was asked for one highly beneficial health advice or tip that the audience can implement immediately. What I shared was that you have to keep your attention in the present moment. Keep pulling your attention back into the present moment by focusing on what you are doing, feeling, seeing, tasting and hearing. When you keep your attention in the present moment, you are managing your mind and not letting your mind manage you. When you space out or become unconscious by letting your mind wander into the past or future, it is a waste of time and energy because neither...
Read MoreStop the Process of Doubt
If you don’t feel save being yourself, it’s almost impossible to manifest what you want in your life! I know, I’m sure you’ve heard that before, but have you really contemplated that? Have you done the work it takes to really go down to the deep roots of your insecurities stemming from childhood programming and vows? Many therapists, instructors, teachers, coaches, artists, entertainers etc. are trying to help their clients or friends through thinking and being outside their body instead of being inside their body, where their powers to create are. Last year I offered...
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