Eve Ensler: Suddenly, My Body
You can feel her essence and presence so strongly! It always amazes me how life and death experiences wake up someone asleep and transforms them to fully express their genuis. Eve Ensler eloquently & powerfully shares her journey to herself!
Read MoreEverything is Energy, Energy in Motion, Energy Changing Form
Everything is Energy; Energy in Motion, Energy Changing Form by Steve Dahl Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity points out the equivalence of mass and energy, quantified by the famous equation E=mc2 where E is the energy, m is the mass, and c is the velocity of light. So science is aware that particles such as electrons and protons are really concentrated energy, and that energy is the basis of the universe. Author Jane Roberts wrote: “All energy contains consciousness. That one sentence is basically scientific heresy, and in many circles, it is religious heresy as well. A...
Read MoreYou Don’t Need $$$ To Start Your Grand Vision
Clever video for business starters of big ideas. You don’t have to let any of the common start-up business excuses stop you from starting your grand vision. Just start small creating a strong foundation and make it useful! Start creating value for one person and let it organically grow. One step at a time! My coaching practice started with wanting to help people stop their suffering and be happy and inspire them to live their passions. I got my first client in 2002 and as I learned from them and grew my confidence I added a second one and on and on… Today the scoop of my grand...
Read MoreA Practice To Eliminate Your Jugements
I’m practicing asking myself “compared to what?” when I’m conscious of making a judgement. It is really helping me to see that I am not very conscious to the “why or truth” of my judgements. When I have been in fear I ask the question and see that there is nothing in the moment that is creating the fear. Judging myself as not being good enough or worthy enough, I can’t come up with any truth to the statement or story. Judging others, I notice I’m making up stories for them and it isn’t any of my business. Letting go of the judgements...
Read MoreAre you paying attention to what you have or are you focused on what you lack?
Are you paying attention to what you have or are you focused on what you lack? What you put your attention on expands and effects your energy frequency. If you are focused on wanting and lack you will get more wanting and lack, a lower vibration. Looking for what is not working is a habit we learn growing up from our school, parents, religion … It is not our natural nature to be so critical. We are naturally abundant and loving, higher consciousness vibrations. Start paying attention to what is working in your life and be grateful. Notice success, abundance, love, happiness in yourself...
Read MoreReceiving is Key to Manifesting Something New
It is not so much about controlling things in your life, as it is to opening your self up to receiving guidance. You are an extension of source energy and when asked for direct you towards what it is you desire. You have to be willing to ask, receive guidance and then follow through on actions. Say to the Universe: I give you permission to guide me. It is much more knowledgeable and resourceful than your thinking mind. Creating a practice is important because If you’re spinning in your mind or too overwhelmed you won’t be open to...
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