Learn What is Keeping You From Saving Money
In this Millennials & Money Cafe podcast you will learn what your negative mind & body programmings are around having more money in your savings account. I take you through a process to help clear your feelings and thoughts that are causing you stress around your savings, so you can begin to save and create more money in your life. You’d be surprised at how many people are uncomfortable having money in their savings account. Money traumas as a child make you relate money to pain, suffering, lack of love and more, which makes holding on to money almost impossible, because who...
Read MoreStop the Process of Doubt
If you don’t feel save being yourself, it’s almost impossible to manifest what you want in your life! I know, I’m sure you’ve heard that before, but have you really contemplated that? Have you done the work it takes to really go down to the deep roots of your insecurities stemming from childhood programming and vows? Many therapists, instructors, teachers, coaches, artists, entertainers etc. are trying to help their clients or friends through thinking and being outside their body instead of being inside their body, where their powers to create are. Last year I offered...
Read MoreOvercoming the Struggling Healer Syndrome with Marilyn O’Malley
Millennials & Money Café Podcast with Marilyn O’Malley “Overcoming the Struggling Healer Syndrome”
Read MoreAre You a Healer and/or Light Worker? Be Amazed!
My guess is you are on my list because you are a ‘Healer’ or ‘Light Worker.’ It’s possible you are not even aware that you are a healer because you have never given it that title or identified your traits as a healing ability. Please don’t be turned off by the titles and read further to see if you are here to help heal your family, community, or planet or discover new ways of healing through innovations, discoveries or creations. I am going to share parts of my story because I think you will be amazed and you may see yourself in ways of being and doing the way I live my life, too. I...
Read MoreSupercharge Your Income with an Outrageous Goal
How many of you would love to make more money so you could really save, invest and enjoy life? So you can live any way you choose and not settle for less. Did you know that only 31% of the population set financial goals in 2014 (US News) and 99% of those not setting money goals don’t do so because thinking about money is painful to them? According to that same article “about half of those who made a money resolution last year said they are now “better off financially,” compared to just 38 percent of those who didn’t set one.” Based on a Harvard study conducted on...
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