Posts Tagged "transformation"

Tapping – How exactly and why does it work?

Posted by on Feb 23, 2016 | Comments Off on Tapping – How exactly and why does it work?

Tapping – How exactly and why does it work?

I talk a lot about tapping and share my Youtube videos with you and today I thought I’d share how tapping works and why it is an amazing tool for you to use the rest of your life to help you break through any blocks you have and heal your past. Tapping stops your body from going into fight/ flight stress mode. It is important for you to not be in stress 24/7. We have an epidemic of stress that is prematurely aging our bodies and brains as well as contributing to a wide variety of diseases. The American Psychological Association states that “reducing your stress levels can not only make you...

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Change your Mindset through your Experiences

Posted by on Jan 11, 2016 | Comments Off on Change your Mindset through your Experiences

Change your Mindset through your Experiences

  I’ve been home adjusting to the new ME for several days now. I’ve returned from a transformative trip to Cambodia (four days,) a Tribal Trust journey to Bhutan (10 days), and three days in Bangkok.     I am still in the middle of assimilating to The new time changes on my return, so I could go to sleep on PST time instead of Bhutan time. The many blessings I received in the temples and the profound peaceful energy of love and happiness I connected to in the temples of Bhutan, the countryside, and with the Bhutanese people who live filled with love, happiness, compassion, and...

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How to Handle Uncertainty to Dramatically Change Your Life with Tom Crawshaw

Posted by on Jan 11, 2016 | Comments Off on How to Handle Uncertainty to Dramatically Change Your Life with Tom Crawshaw

How to Handle Uncertainty to Dramatically Change Your Life with Tom Crawshaw

  Tom Crawshaw shares his secrets on how to Level Up and Kick some a**. Knowing and experiencing that the Western Societal Ideal, the American Dream and Pursuit of Happiness, is broken Tom set out and committed to change his life and experienced the most dramatic jump in change when he hired a mindset and business coach. Tom will discuss with Marilyn why you don’t get what you WANT, you get what you COMMIT to and how to frame your fear to turn it into excitement. Learn the 4 A’s of Moving through and Evolving your Mindset in this weeks episode of Millennials & Money Cafe...

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Taking Care of Yourself First is not Easy

Posted by on Jul 29, 2015 | Comments Off on Taking Care of Yourself First is not Easy

Taking Care of Yourself First is not Easy

It took me a long time to learn that I had to take care of myself first, because I believed it was my job to take care of others. My value and worthiness were wrapped tightly around taking care of others. I noticed that if I took care of those around me by solving their challenges and minimizing their suffering I was needed and no one would abandon me. If I made everyone’s life easier and happier then I would be taken care of and safe. After my parents divorced, my grandmother scowled at me with a stern voice and finger pointing, „You better be a good girl for your mother, so you...

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Your Life Movie Series – Romantic Comedy II

Posted by on May 29, 2015 | Comments Off on Your Life Movie Series – Romantic Comedy II

Your Life Movie Series – Romantic Comedy II

Being the director of your own romantic comedy is empowering. As we move forward in creating your amazing movie series, I am excited to share this guest blog by the amazing Michelle Martin Dobbins. This excerpt of her book RELATIONSHIP ALCHEMY will provide you with additional insight and tools on how to heal existing relationships and invite new, fulfilling relationships into your life. Michelle is a writer who deeply believes in, lives and teaches The Law of Attraction. We are very much aligned in our outlook and approach to life, and our calling to help others. If you want to find out more...

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