Posts Tagged "healthy and wealthy"

Exercise to Discover Your Disempowering Vows

Posted by on Oct 14, 2015 | Comments Off on Exercise to Discover Your Disempowering Vows

Exercise to Discover Your Disempowering Vows

 I am currently in the 4th week of my Healthy & Wealthy Training.  The group is working on everything surrounding the 2nd chakra, which focuses on your feelings, senses and emotions. According to intuitive healer Cyndi Dale, “a chakra is nothing more or less than a wheel of light revolving in and through our energy system” and theosophical teacher C.W. Leadbeater defines them as “force centers…points of connection at which energy flows from one body to another.”   The 2nd chakra is extremely important and powerful, because it is where your self-image forms, where you let the world in and...

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