How To Easily Connect to Source and Create More Opportunities
The world can feel like a crazy place right now and you can do things to manage your life to feel more grounded, connected and creative. Todays challenges are nudges from the Universe to wake up and be your brilliant self and get back on your path. When we are faced with business problems, health issues, or relationship blowups, we tend to become more micro focused what is not working and feeling bad about yourself rather than creating solutions and creating something new. When you KNOW you are connected to a support system bigger than you ( Source/God/Quantum Field) and that you are always...
Read More3 Steps to Clear Energetic Overwhelm and Create Healthy Boundaries
Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, confused, not like yourself and less powerful around other people? Are you attached to other’s outcomes more than to your own? Do you feel entangled in your relationships not knowing where you begin and end? Are you in unhealthy relationships? Are you attracting what you don’t want into your life instead of what you desire? As a energetic beings it is important to understand that 90% of our feelings and thoughts aren’t our own. Learning how to manage and clear your energetic clutter is essential for creating healthy boundaries, peace of...
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