Is the Law of Attraction working for you?
Whether you want to improve your health, lose weight, have more money, find the love of your life, start a new business, get a promotion, or simply be happy, you have to change your subconscious mind’s programming. The only way to do that is by learning how to manage your conscious mind.
When you don’t work with your mind (either conscious and subconscious) the Law of Attraction won’t work for you. Your inner power lies in making new choices and not living unconsciously based on old experience and programming.
Here is why:
If you are not living consciously, focused on the results you desire in your life, you are allowing your subconscious mind’s habitual conditioning to drive the direction of your life. That means that 95% of your life is the same as it was yesterday, the day before, and the day before that. And that includes any childhood programming you haven’t changed! For the majority of your days, you are living in your past. You are following what you learned to do, be, and have from your family, cultural, religious, educational and media experiences and influences.
95 % of the time, you think the same thoughts, have the same intentions and feel the same feelings. It’s no wonder you’re feeling bored, unfulfilled and stuck!
Every morning, you wake up and imagine your day the same as it was yesterday, brush your teeth with the same hand, and follow morning habits for eating and greeting your world. Unconsciously, you make the same choices and judgments, focus on the same limitations and insufficiencies you believe to be true, see the same people, have the same expectations and live the same conversations over and over in one way or another.
Your inner world is creating your outer world. You create what you believe, and what you believe is what will happen, whether you are consciously choosing it or not.
It is not your fault. But, now that you know this, it is your responsibility to learn how to change your mind and create the life you desire. You don’t know any better until you’re made aware of your limiting and negative programming and your power to change it. And now you know. I’m trusting you will be inspired to let your spirit and soul have a voice in the world because it is your life purpose to authentically express yourself.
To create what is important and true to you requires you to change your inner programming. By managing your conscious mind you can positively influence and change your subconscious mind. Your power is in managing your conscious mind to assist you in reprogramming your limiting and negative subconscious mind to create what you desire today.
Until you start making NEW conscious choices and stop living so much of your life unconsciously, you will continue to re-create your past life over and over again as your current reality.
Nothing will change until something changes. Nothing will change until you realize you are “The One Power” connected to the Infinite Intelligence (Source, Universe, God, etc.) co-creating your life. It is your programming that is unconsciously communicating with the Infinite Intelligence that creates your current reality. Change your past programming information and you will change your subconscious mind. Then the Infinite Intelligence will know your new desires and help you create them. That is the Law of Attraction at work.
For the Law of Attraction to work, your subconscious mind has to know to understand its true desire first, then giving the Infinite Intelligence the information to help you create it.
No change = same old, same old!
What do you want to choose? Do you want to live in the past or create your life anew? The best way to do this is to notice what your current programming and conditioning is so that you can see that the reality you are creating is in you and not the other way around.
Notice what you are doing, thinking and feeling throughout your day. What are your habits, your limiting or lacking mindsets, and what are you consciously choosing new? Keep a journal so you can notice patterns easier.
Recipe for Creating Your NEW Reality
Until you start making new conscious choices and stop living so much of your life unconsciously, you will continue to create your past life over and over again as your current reality.
Here is how you create a new reality for yourself (health, wealth, relationships, career…):
Mentally focus on your future goal/result in as much detail as possible, feeling what it would feel like if you were experiencing it in this present moment. Make this visualization more real to you than your outer environment (even though it hasn’t happened yet.) This will enable your subconscious mind to begin to experience your new future event in the present moment. This repeated mental focus and feeling will send a signal to your brain to create new ways to prepare for this imagined future event. If you continue this mental practice enough times with your new series of choices, behaviors, and experiences that you desire, you will reproduce the same new level of mind over and over again. Your brain will rapidly begin to physically change by installing new neuro-pathways and your subconscious mind will experience your goal/desire as if it has already happened. Now your body is not living in the past (unconscious habits, and actions),
It is living in the new present (conscious choices, attention, actions).
How to Practice Mental Rehearsal
1. Mentally review the future you want
Close your eyes and for 30 seconds – 1 minute and mentally review the future you want, all the while reminding yourself who you want to be. Think about your future actions, mentally planning your choices, and focusing your mind on the new experience. You want to mentally rehearse your goal or result over and over until it becomes very familiar to you. Continue to experience the mental image as if it was happening. Do this mental rehearsal without letting in any limiting emotions like fear, anger, worry, anxiety, judgment, competition, hostility, sadness, or guilt.
2. Pay attention to details.
The more knowledge and experience you have mapped out in your brain about your new desired reality, the easier it will be to create a mental picture of it, and thus the greater your intention and expectation are. Essentially, you are literally “reminding” yourself of what your life will look and feel like once you manifest your desires. You are putting an intention behind your attention. I will accomplish this, I can do this, this is mine, and I am doing, having, or being this.
3. Add a heightened state of emotion
Add to your thoughts and intentions a heightened state of emotion, such as love, joy, or gratitude. When you can embody the new emotion and become more excited about already having what you desire mentally, your brain will fill your body with the neurochemistry that would be present if the future event you desire was happening now. You are giving your body a taste of the future experience. Your brain and body don’t know the difference between reality and make-believe, so they are living in the new experience in the present moment.
4. Keep your focus on the future
“By keeping your focus on the future event and not letting worry, doubt, or fear distract you, you turn down the volume on the neural circuits connected to the old self, which begins to turn off old genes, which activates new genes in new ways. The circuits in your brain begin to reorganize themselves to reflect your mental rehearsing. As you hold new thoughts and mental images with strong, positive emotion, your mind and body work together and you find yourself in a new state of being. At this point, your brain and body are no longer living in the past — they are a map to the future.” ~ The Placebo Effect by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Athletes have used this mental rehearsal for a long time: golfers like Tiger Woods picture a shot landing where they want it and work their way back to what they have to do to make that shot. Football quarterbacks and baseball pitchers picture their different throws in different situations so it becomes instinctual when the time comes for them to perform it. Track stars picture each move and breaking records or winning heats.
Jim Carrey in LA during the 1980s wrote out an affirmation that he would be working with the right people, the right movie, and the right casting, and be successful and contribute something worthwhile to make a difference in the world. He drove to Mulholland Drive in the Hollywood Hills and sat in his car and repeated the paragraph while feeling that it was true. He wrote himself $10 million checks for acting services rendered and dated them for Thanksgiving 1995. In 1994, three movies were released that made Jim Carrey a star: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber came out in December and he received a check for $10 million exactly like he envisioned for himself.
You can do this! And I’m sure if we looked at your life we can find evidence that you already do this. Although you may be creating what you “don’t” want instead of what you” desire” because of where you are mentally focusing and the emotions you are experiencing daily. Get your mind and body to work together to create the material world that you’ve conceived in the mental realm.
Whatever is causing the doubts, fears and resistance are your blocks to manifesting what you desire.
There is a science to this, follow the recipe and make lasting positive changes for living your turned-ON life!
All professionals have mentors or coaches to help them create clarity, keep them focused on the result, develop a daily success practice and mindset, as well as, help them remove the obstacles to their desires. I am here to take you from a weekend warrior or amateur to living life as a professional owning their power to create their life.
If you’d like further resources on the Law of Attraction, check out my videos here, here, and here.
I also have additional articles here and here!