You Don’t Need $$$ To Start Your Grand Vision
Clever video for business starters of big ideas. You don’t have to let any of the common start-up business excuses stop you from starting your grand vision. Just start small creating a strong foundation and make it useful! Start creating value for one person and let it organically grow. One step at a time! My coaching practice started with wanting to help people stop their suffering and be happy and inspire them to live their passions. I got my first client in 2002 and as I learned from them and grew my confidence I added a second one and on and on… Today the scoop of my grand...
Read MoreSuccess And Happiness Are A Result Of Your Focus
In your magnificence you are putting your attention on what strengthens you and gets you juiced up? Your attention expands and amplifies everything. Focusing on an event, a moment, a person’s traits, an emotion will reveal more detail and that detail will attract more detail….on and on….consuming your consciousness. You are the one who directs your attention in your life. The problem is most the time you are not choosing consciously where you want to focus, you are defaulting to old habits. It is our childhood training that habitually trains our focus on our deficits rather...
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