Learn How To Create Healthy Boundaries
Here is an excerpt from Doreen Virtue’s book “Assertiveness for Earth Angels” about creating healthy boundaries for that I believe you will find valuable. Setting clear boundaries will help you manage your life, mind and energy more efficiently, so you will not move into overwhelm or over stimulation as often as you would without the clear boundaries. The link for the book: A boundary is your limit, which no one can overstep or violate. No matter who the other person is or how much you love him or her, your boundary is something that he or she is not allowed to breach. For...
Read MoreCreate A Life You Love Part 3, Timing and Knowledge Keys for Success
Learn why it is important: to create a time frame for energy and excitement chunk down your vision to smaller & more manageable time frames for success gain specific knowledge in order to move forward Please share what you’ve gained from this video and what you are choosing as your next steps to living the life you love. If you would like a discovery session with me please comment email me at [email protected] To living a life you love, Marilyn
Read MoreCreate A Life You Love Part 4, Your Beliefs Are Keeping You Stuck
Part 4 covers transforming your energy blocks and beliefs that are keeping you from having what you desire. The root of our suffering is the belief that we are not safe, not supported, good enough, worthy enough, smart enough, successful enough, and on and on. In other words, our perception of our selves and our world rule the choices we make in our life. That is unless we are making conscious choices, using our will power to over ride them. The minute we let our conscious guard down the subconscious mind takes over making our habitual decisions making for us. It isn’t until we have...
Read MoreEverything is Energy, Energy in Motion, Energy Changing Form
Everything is Energy; Energy in Motion, Energy Changing Form by Steve Dahl Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity points out the equivalence of mass and energy, quantified by the famous equation E=mc2 where E is the energy, m is the mass, and c is the velocity of light. So science is aware that particles such as electrons and protons are really concentrated energy, and that energy is the basis of the universe. Author Jane Roberts wrote: “All energy contains consciousness. That one sentence is basically scientific heresy, and in many circles, it is religious heresy as well. A...
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