How to become a better Receiver
Receiving is natural. It’s a positive and good thing. Taking (maybe with an agenda, recklessly or carelessly) is a different thing, but this often gets confused and the word “receiving” takes on a negative connotation because of it. But, the truth is that it is natural and good for you to have what you desire, and when you put a “but” or judgments in front of or after your desire you energetically cancel it out. If you say” this is how it has to be specifically” you limit your possibilities. Example: “I want to travel… BUT … I...
Read MoreBiggest Block Keeping You Stuck In Your life
Asking to have my needs and desires met and receiving them has been my biggest lesson to to date. I share some of my journey on the audio below. Not believing my needs were important and essential to my happiness and prosperity held me back in every area of my life. It diminished my self worth, my love for myself and others, my creativity, my relationships and well-being. Your needs and desires are ESSENTIAL to you living your purpose! Please do not diminish them! Believing that my needs and desires were not as important as others left me feeling disconnected from spirit and humanity. I...
Read MoreGet Conscious with ~ Happy by Pharrell Williams
Let this music bring you into the present moment, into consciousness and allow yourself to be moved and engaged. Be Happy! Notice what happens to you, your energy level and how you feel. You can’t be unhappy in the NOW, unhappiness comes with unconsciousness, living in the past or future. Dance, sing along, swing, clap and let yourself be move in the moment.
Creating Healthy Boundaries Boundaries, when created and managed correctly, they make sure that our real selves, not the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that aren’t us are in charge of our lives and they share information with the world, telling everyone exactly who we are, what we want,and how they can treat us. ~ Cyndi Dale Energetic Boundaries Click here for audio—> Creating Healthy Boundaries I take you through a clearing process and creating an energetic boundary Symptoms of poor boundaries: feeling overwhelmed by everyone else’s feelings, needs, problems negativity...
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