Learn How Growing Up With A Narcissist Limits YOU Financially, Professionally and Personally
Get some paper or your journal and a pen and gift yourself this time to start to positively change your relationship with money and yourself! Learn How Growing Up With A Narcissist Limits YOU Financially, Professionally and Personally March 11, 2015 http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=67012689
Read MoreHow To Deal With A Narcissist
Hi! Did you grow up with a Narcissist Parent? This is a complicated relationship that influences you ability to to be yourself, to have needs and desires, and promotes the behavior of perfectionism. All of which keep you from shining your light, receiving what you need and deserve (includes money) and limits your actions with fears. Until we heal our inner child wounding with the narcissistic parent we will attract other narcissist unconsciously into our lives as friends, partners in business or as spouses because we naturally know how to take really good care of them. Our wounded...
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