Posts Tagged "values"

Identify Your Values To Live On Purpose

Posted by on Dec 30, 2018 | Comments Off on Identify Your Values To Live On Purpose

Identify Your Values To Live On Purpose

  Definition of Values: Principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life. Values have both expansive and limiting influence on a person’s behavior, mindset and life purpose; serving as guidelines in all situations, whether you are living yours or someone else’s values (culture, religion, family values…). Decide what your authentic values are for living your purpose and guiding your business mission.   Let’s Get Started Step 1: Identify the times when you were happiest, proud, fulfilled, and/or satisfied: What was important to you most at...

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How To Grow Your Confidence From Your Heart

Posted by on Oct 18, 2016 | Comments Off on How To Grow Your Confidence From Your Heart

How To Grow Your Confidence From Your Heart

Lack of confidence has you hiding out when you are really wanting to Stand Out and accomplish things that are important to you. Do you settle for what you get rather than asking for what you want? Are you panicked thinking about speaking up in a meeting or giving a presentation? Do you stop yourself from taking action because you are afraid you’ll look stupid? Are you passionate about something but afraid to lead or ask others to support you? Do you not say something when someone says a sexist or discriminatory joke? All of these situations are related to lack of confidence. What is...

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