Posts Tagged "The Prosperity Breakthrough System"

Are you ignoring your Soul’s Quest to be Accepted by Others?

Posted by on Sep 19, 2016 | 2 comments

Are you ignoring your Soul’s Quest to be Accepted by Others?

Why ignoring your Soul’s Expression will Kill your Authentic Self One day I found myself with tears running down my cheeks on the plane ride home to Santa Barbara, reading Red Hot and Holy by Sera Beak. (Ladies, I highly recommend reading it.) While reading about her mystical journey, I contemplated my own divine journey of the last 10 years. I had not thought of  those years as my sacred or mystical quest and yet it was. A voice deep inside me said I had to change or die, Yes, it really was that dramatic. I knew something had to change dramatically or my soul, my spirit, would die. I...

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Biggest Block Keeping You Stuck In Your Llife ~ STOP YOUR SUFFERING

Posted by on Mar 6, 2014 | 2 comments

Biggest Block Keeping You Stuck In Your Llife ~ STOP YOUR SUFFERING

Do you have needs? Of course you do, yet a lot of us have made VOWS as children to not ask to have our deepest needs met. Why? Here are three major reasons. 1. We didn’t get our needs of love, shelter, attention, validation, nutrition, comforting, emotional support or safety met. The parents didn’t now how to care for themselves much less anyone else or they may have been a narcissist, drug/alcohol addicts, or have a mentally illness. 2. We didn’t feel safe; we would be humiliated by family or peers or ignored,  a family member would become angry or upset when asking something of them, we...

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Say “No” More Often

Posted by on Jan 14, 2014 | 1 comment

Say “No” More Often

Don’t you just love the energy of this photo! I hope you all had a warm and heartfelt holiday season.This weeks article, Say No More Often, is written by one of my mentors Lee Milteer. Why I was attracted to Lee as a mentor was because she attributes her great success as an international personality and business women to her use of practical business skills and tools combined with spiritual tools and practice. I thought you’d like to meet her.  She is a highly sensitive and light worker!Lee is an excellent example of what is possible for highly sensitive and creative...

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