Stress Reduction Meditation
You might have seen the Christmas decorations at CostCo and other big stores already. In fact, I saw the first sets of decorations in late July…JULY! I guess they want to remind us to start shopping early, but for some of us, this just creates anxiety and reminds us of the stress that’s still to come. Once you feel completely stressed out, you are already in the middle of your old programming spiral. Hopefully, the tips I shared in this week’s blog was and will continue to be helpful to make your holiday season peaceful and enjoyable. To help you stop the stress before it...
Read More3 Steps to Stop Holiday Stress and Overwhelm
Photo by Dakota Ross The holidays are coming up fast and already people are feeling stressed and anxious! The funny thing is that many people feel stressed and anxious because they ultimately want to have and provide a great time for themselves and others. So to help you make this holiday season more joy filled and less stressful, I am going to share steps that you can take that will. First let’s get clear on what some of the common holiday stressors are Perfectionism, wanting everything to be perfect Feeling pressured to be social when you don’t want to be social Feeling unsafe at family...
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