Posts Tagged "social media"

Is Your Phone Addiction Crippling Your Creativity?

Posted by on Jun 3, 2018 | Comments Off on Is Your Phone Addiction Crippling Your Creativity?

Is Your Phone Addiction Crippling Your Creativity?

I heard Manoush Zomorodi on NPR and then watched her TED Talk and thought, I have to share this information with you all about how your technology addiction is crippling your creativity and well-being. Some Facts: Before mobile phones and pads our average attention span was every 3 minutes our mind would become distracted. TODAY it is every 45 seconds! On average we check our emails 74 times a day! Some more than 200. Phone check 60 times a day on average. On phone 2 hours a day. You will spend 2 years of your life on FaceBook. What?! And thats average…Instagram, Twitter… We...

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Brand Yourself like a Pro

Posted by on Jan 25, 2016 | Comments Off on Brand Yourself like a Pro

Brand Yourself like a Pro

Hope Brookins was named as one of the Top 15 Millennial influencers on At 25, she’s a female entrepreneur who has worked in politics. At only 19 she had already planned events for a former President of the United States, 14 US Congressmen and other politicians across the country. She is an event planner and online influencer and branding specialist. This week, Hope is sharing her message and her knowledge in this guest blog and if you want to hear more, she also took the time to come on Millennials & Money Café to talk with me about ‘hustling like a Kardashian,’ and why she...

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3 Do’s and Don’ts of Millennial Branding with Hope Brookins

Posted by on Jan 25, 2016 | Comments Off on 3 Do’s and Don’ts of Millennial Branding with Hope Brookins

3 Do’s and Don’ts of Millennial Branding with Hope Brookins

Hope Brookins, millennial entrepreneur and thought leader in event based social media and PR, shares personal branding advice for Millennials. Learn the 3 social media branding Do’s and Don’ts and find out why every Millennial should have their own business even if it is just a ‘side hustle.’ Hear how Hope’s perspective changed when she and her family built their home with their own hands. From dragging water from the neighbors pond to mixing the home’s foundation, the unusual decision to build their own home was empowering for the whole family (Stay tuned...

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