Stress is a killer of your creativity and plays havoc with your health and well-being. Some cognitive symptoms of stress include the inability to concentrate, anxious or racing thoughts, and constant worrying. If you are irritable, moody, agitated, feeling overwhelmed, lonely or depressed, those can be signs of emotional stress. Physical symptoms are probably most obvious, and they include any kind of pain, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, constipation, loss of sex drive, chest pains and more. You can also have behavioral issues such as eating more or less than usual, procrastinating, sleeping more or less than usual, isolating yourself, using drugs or alcohol to relax, any nervous habits such as nail or lip biting.
If you experience any of these stress symptoms, use EFT Tapping video below to remove your stress to relax your body and mind.
Are you trying to figure out what causes your stress? Sign up for a FREE DISCOVERY SESSION. It’s completely confidential, no strings attached. Call me at (805) 883-8598 or e-mail me at [email protected]
Loving You,
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