Bonus Gift for Sacred Sales Participants
90 min. Prosperity Breakthrough System™
Session with Marilyn O’Malley
Call Marilyn to schedule your session 805 883-8598
Welcome Sacred Sales Participants!
I believe, like Kara, that it is time for Healers and Creatives to Awaken to their Magnificence and Purpose!
The Universe is calling for healing in our relationships with money, our body, self-love, career/calling, and worthiness, in order to live our prosperous and juicy lives and as a bonus make a difference in the world!
I am honored to help you manifest that for yourself and for your clients!!!
Congratulations! for stepping up and taking Kara Sacred Sales Workshop and taking advantage of this bonus gift with me!
Your life is already shifting from those two actions alone!
Nice job of not trying to fit in when you are meant to STAND OUT!
The Prosperity Breakthrough System™ works with your mind, body and spirit using the chakra system as a pathway for addressing the core areas of your life and transforming and healing your negative deep rooted core hidden vows and agreements, patterns and habits that are sabotaging your personal and professional success. This process enables a natural flow within your various energy systems (feminine/masculine, grounded/spiritual, giving/receiving…), and turns on and up your energetic vibration helping you to better identify and express who you are in the world.
Healers & Creatives are light-workers, body-workers, artists, musicians, psychotherapists, coaches, writers, alternative health care providers, leaders, innovators or creative professionals
Highly Sensitives are —> Are you highly sensitive test?
Brief overview:
With your 90 minutes I will be using my intuition and the chakra system as a road map to identify your deeply hidden vow(s) and thoughts that are driving the current results of your lives. I will then help you set up goals that will help you breakthrough the old vow(s) and bring you new results. These goals will most be around managing your mind and your energy all focused on creating healthy relationships with your money, love, career/live purpose, fun, body, family, clients, and personal power… This is a very comprehensive, whole-life approach.
Please call me to schedule your session with me. 805 883-8598
Create & EnJoy Your Life Adventures & Callings!
Marilyn O’Malley
Since you don’t know me yet, I’ll share a little about Me
I am fascinated by my work, people and the world! So I am very excited to connect with you and learn more about you!
I am a certified life coach trained at The Coaches Training Institute and Transformational Expert with over 4000 hours of working with highly sensitive and creative clients.
I am unique because I am a pioneer, pleasure seeker, visionary, lightworker, intuitive, loving, mother of two twenty somethings, highly sensitive, creative, leader, energy worker, lover, and 30+ years as an entrepreneur.
I am naturally wholesome, creative, athletic, connector, entrepreneur, idea generator, playful, prosperous, adventurous, and forever a student of life.
I have extensively studied how the mind/brain works, health, the Laws of the Universe, Energy/Intuition, body work, psychology (relationships/happiness/success/perfectionism/shame/guilt/addiction…), women/the feminine, art, entrepreneurial business and spirituality,.. and continue to study all of these areas.
I have coached over 4000 hours with Clients and I walk what I coach. I know what is needed to have a healthy, prosperous & harmonious life, such as clear boundaries, mind and energy management, structures, systems and down time. I instinctively know what to pay attention to for my clients greatest benefits, as well as, the critical programming that drives them to self-sabotage and play small. I understand each person is unique. I help my clients transform themselves, so that they are turned onto life through their love, desires, and purpose. They go from hiding out, feeling disempowered or not good enough, to knowing their purpose and wanting to be seen and heard to make a difference in the world.
I help my clients have the best tools, practices, and structures to manage their successful, fulfilling and juicy life without sacrificing themselves.
Nine years ago, I left all my security of a 24 year marriage, friends and family and made a quantum leap following my calling that is my life today. I could not have imagined that it would turn out as fantastic as it is today and it is still expanding…WOO HOO!
I live in Santa Barbara with my partner of 8 years and our cat Prince Philip.