~ Oprah said:
“You are responsible for your life. And what is your life? What is all life?
What is every flower, every rock, every tree, and every human being?
And you are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself and you are responsible for the energy you bring to others.
ALL LIFE IS ENERGY, and we are transmitting it every moment.
We are beaming it…little tiny signals, like radio frequencies, and the world is responding in kind.”
Ask yourself, “What energy are you bringing to your life?”
“What signals are you sending?”
~ on her finale show
Are you living the life you are meant to, having the impact you want and feeling fulfilled?
I want to help you express your magnificence!
Available for the next 2 weeks by Phone, Skype or in Person
Some of the results you will experience:
· A profound sense of feeling SEEN (maybe for the first time in your life).
· Identification of the root cause of ANY problem in 10 minutes or less
· Removal of your blocks, others peoples energy, and issues at the ENERGETIC LEVEL
· Expansion of peace of mind, truth, heart, well-being, self confidence, SELF…
Why am I doing this?
As a life energy coach, I am always looking for better tools and ways to motivate and facilitate my clients,
so they can live their best life and celebrate their magnificence while serving others.
And my purpose is Motivating, facilitating and celebrating people’s magnificence.
For the last 8 months I’ve been training with one of the top visionaries and personal growth gurus in the country, David Morelli @ Enwaken Coaching and Everything is Energy. I am one of a small group of people in the world who has been learning personally from him how to do what he does.
It’s easier to have you EXPERIENCE it for yourself, than trying to explain it to you.
Life is all about energy and no one is teaching you how to work with it.
I Do!
I teach you how to work with your energy:
Clearing it, Creating Healthy Boundaries, Raising Energy Levels,
Expanding your energy levels of happiness, success, love and abundance…
You learn tools to use your whole life in all areas of your life.
I am SO excited to share this revolutionary new knowledge with all of you.
Here is what to expect during your FREE session!
When we talk you’ll:
· Identify a problem you’d like me to take a look at
· I’ll give you insight into its root cause and read your essence
· We’ll spend the rest of your session using some revolutionary new tools to
move the block and get your energy clean and clear of it
When you experience it for yourself you will be AMAZED by how quickly and effectively it works.
This is a completely free, no-strings-attached session.
I’d be grateful for a testimonial if you feel compelled to share your experience.
You can sign up by calling me at 805 275-4153 and
if I’m not available leave me your phone number to
schedule your 45-minute session with me.
Act now to secure one of the 20 spots.
I can’t wait to share it with you!
Celebrating Your Magnificence,
Marilyn O’Malley, CPCC
Life Energy Coach
805 275-4153
P.S. I know you’ll want to share this experience with your friends,
so after you’ve completed your free session with me you can gift a
session for a friend so they can get a FREE session too. What are good friends for!
P.S.S. Even if you are a past client, you can still take advantage of this offer.
I’d love for you to experience how these new tools can shift where you are stuck in just minutes!
I hardly know where to start – Marilyn has made such a positive impact on my sense of self. Upon meeting her, I felt safe and accepted, Her intiutive work was so surprising and accurate, I laughed and cried. Marilyn “saw’ me and helped me to see myself in a more powerful way. It has not been a week since my first session with Marilyn and I have already referred her to 3 women. They could see a calm, a peace and the ‘juice’ flowing in me/through me and wanted to know what was up. My answer – see Marilyn O’Mailley!”
Janie Arnold Sales Rep at Haagen Printing and Owner
“WOW, I am literally in AWE after my session with Marilyn. As a fellow a coach and energy reader, it’s rare to come across someone who has the level of incredible clarity and laser-sharp awareness as Marilyn does. Without background, she was able to hone right in to what was at the core root of my issue, reflect back exactly where I am getting stuck, and then provide tangible ways to clear the blocks. Most importantly, in just one session Marilyn gave me deep insight & critical information into something I’ve been struggling with my entire life…she gave me what I needed to finally move through that, and now I’m liberated and empowered in a way I couldn’t have ever expected. I’m SO SO grateful for you Marilyn, thank you!!!” Krista Barbour, Boulder, Co