My Outrageous Quantum Leap 10th Anniversary

My Outrageous Quantum Leap 10th Anniversary

I remember ten years ago being in my home in Mystic, Connecticut, packing up my belongings to move to Santa Barbara, California, and tearing my family apart. I was leaving 20+ years of community, friendships, and family to follow my calling for happiness and personal expansion. I didn’t know where I was going to live in Santa Barbara or how anything was going to work out, I just knew it would work out.  One step at a time and thank God I knew what I KNEW.

People were questioning my choice and sanity

…but I KNEW I had to do this, as hard and scary as it was! There was no turning back if I truly honored who I AM. I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my calling for others and play small so they felt better.  Listening to my fears and other people’s opinions was not an option.  I KNEW I was meant to play a bigger game in life and to have much more impact in the world. Staying was not an option  for me if I was to learn to love myself and live my life on purpose. Miracle after miracle happened along the way to support this transformation because I saw and felt my happy, empowered and expanded self. I kept asking Source, “if this is  meant to happen for my highest good, make it clear to me and make it happen with ease and grace.”

When I committed to my decision to transform my life 

QuantumLeap_leap71515…my energy literally went to a whole new level. I was high on life! I was living a turned-ON life even in the midst of one of my hardest and most heartbreaking challenges. It was magical and terrifying to be in my power and face my fears head on. My capacity to manage my mind, energy and life was paramount to my accomplishments.  I had to TRUST in my connection to Source, use my intuition and ask for guidance and help. I was following my core truth and not anyone else’s.

If I listened to anyone else I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I made a Quantum Leap and I haven’t looked back with any regrets. My life has been extraordinary, because I committed to it being that way ten years ago. What got me here is what I now teach and continue to live. My prayer is for you to awaken to your truth, callings and challenges, so that you can start living your turned-ON life.  I’d like you to KNOW that you can create the life you’re meant to live even if you don’t know how at this time.

You can create something out of nothing, I do it all the time and so can you!

Read about this time in my life in a story I wrote called “Falling Into Place A Midlife Journey.”  My story was published in the book Empowered Voices, True Stories by Awakened Women if you’d like to read other inspiring stories by empowered and wonderful women.


Get my FREE Chapter “Falling Into Places: A Midlife Journey” from the book “Empowered Voices” True Stories by Awakened Women. Compiled by Andrea Hylen, Founder of Heal My Voice. Published by: Heal My Voice, Inc. @2012

One Comment

  1. Hi Marilyn,

    This was a beautiful story of self-love and courage. I could identify very much with it as I did a similar thing back in 1997 and life has never been the same…in a VERY good way! Thanks for sharing this!


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Marilyn O'Malley
My Outrageous Quantum Leap 10th Anniversary
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